Hi Actually I create one module from Studio and keep module type is file.
Now I need an Email Address Field in this module. So can anyone help me how to solve this issue.
Any help will be appreciating.
7 => array (
'name' => 'email',
'type' => 'email',
'span' => 6,
Also 2. the object constructed we think should be EmailAddress not the old legacy SugarEmailAddress,
public function __construct(){
$this->emailAddress = new EmailAddress(); //xxx #xxxx not old SugarEmailAddress which doesn't have extended method DeleteLinks. Now matches Accounts.
$dictionary[$module]['fields']['email'] = array(etc.
'name' => 'email',
'type' => 'email',
'query_type' => 'default',
'source' => 'non-db',
'operator' => 'subquery',
'subquery' => 'SELECT eabr.bean_id FROM email_addr_bean_rel eabr JOIN email_addresses ea ON (ea.id = eabr.email_address_id) WHERE eabr.deleted=0 AND ea.email_address LIKE',
'db_field' => array(
'vname' => 'LBL_EMAIL', //'LBL_ANY_EMAIL',
'studio' => array('visible'=>false, 'searchview'=>true),
'duplicate_on_record_copy' => 'always',
'len' => 100,
'sort_on' => 'email1',
'importable' => false,
VardefManager::createVardef('cost_Cost_Centre','cost_Cost_Centre', array('basic','team_security','assignable', 'email_address'));Has anyone tried this or have any better information on how to do add an email to a custom sugar module in sugarcrm 7???