Hide Products in the Catalog

Is there an administrative way to hide products in the catalog until they are ready to be sold? (Sugar Pro

There are a variety of reasons we need to do this now, and more reasons I can think of for the future. I would like to have the ability to create the entries, then write up and connect all the terms and conditions for them in advance.

However, if the Sales Team sees the product, they will use it in a quote, not knowing it is not complete or finalized. It would be ideal to be able to have a catalog that items can go into "storage" and come out of "storage" at a moment's notice.

Best practice says? (thanks in advance for any help )

  • Hi Missy Brooks,

    there is no administrative way to do that. But with a custom checkbox field e.g. visible_c you should be able to filter the records in the popup view. As in version 7.8 the quotes module is still BWC you can set the filter in a custom view.popup.php.

    First define a custom field type checkbox, named visible (visible_c) in module Product Catalog (ProductTemplates).

    Now add this field to the Popup ListView and Popup Search of the module  Product Catalog.

    Now you have to create a custom view.popup.php with following content.

    File custom/modules/ProductTemplates/views/view.popup.php:

    if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
    class customProductTemplatesViewPopup extends ProductTemplatesViewPopup {
    function display() {
    $_REQUEST["visible_c_advanced"] = true;

    By this code you just set the advanced search parameter for visible_c to true before the popup is shown.

    After Quick Repair and Rebuild the popup should only show product templates with visible = true.

    In version 7.9 and above the Quotes module is sidecar enabled and uses a drawer to select the Product Templates. Therefor you should develop a custom filter for the ProductTemplates Drawer which is opened in product selection for Quotes. In the developer guide you find how to do that: http://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_7.9/Architecture/Filters/index.html#Filt… 

    Harald Kuske
    Principal Solution Architect – Professional Services, EMEA
    SugarCRM Deutschland GmbH

  • This sounds like a perfect solution for now.

    So when we when upgrade, we can then customize which drawers open and IF they open? 

    Thanks for your help!

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