Hello Community,
I hope all masters are getting much more mastered answers daily and quickly from this community.
Today we have face one issue into sugarcrm proffessional edition version 7.7.
We have put the following formula on meeting module name field to auto populate meeting module name from the meeting type and opportunity name which was working very fine on our old version 7.6 and stopped working since we upgrade to 7.7.
Tried to generate same error on fresh installed on same version using the following steps.
1) Go to studio
2) Select Meeting Module
3) Go to fields section -> Select Subject field
4) Click on calculated check box
5) Apply formula I.e related($opportunity,"name")
6) Hit save
7) Go to opportunity module, Click on any record -> Go to meeting subpanel -> Create meeting from opportunity module subpanel
8) try to save record. It throws error "Error Please resolve any errors before proceeding."
Meeting subject is not populating from Opportunity name which it should be populating.
Actual Result: "Error Please resolve any errors before proceeding."
Expected Result: "Meeting should save with Respected opportunity name.
Please let us know if I am doing something wrong or it is really sugarcrm issue in version 7.7
Bhavesh Patel Lori F Alex Nassi Alan Beam Francesca Shiekh Rubén Recacha Camacho Enrico Simonetti Jeff Leavitt