Is it possible to undelete a lead from on-demand instance?
Or make a report to get the information? I made Deleted field reportable but do not get any returns when creating a report where deleted = true.
Thank you!
Is it possible to undelete a lead from on-demand instance?
Or make a report to get the information? I made Deleted field reportable but do not get any returns when creating a report where deleted = true.
Thank you!
Bob Schumann - To my knowledge, this is not possible through the user interface/front-end of Sugar, but our Support team should be able to assist with this via database access. Please file a case with the name of the lead and any other details you remember so that our support team can investigate.
Alex Nassi
Digital CX Operations Director
Hello Bob Schumann,
I have another idea.
If you have access to Advanced Report Module.
Create Advaced Report with Query: "Select * from leads where deleted=1"
Now export this result.
Find your lead in downloaded csv.
Separate out this lead and import with id and deleted=0.
Hello Hiren,
This was extremely helpful. SugarCRM is a small part of my job and I was not aware of this module. I did as you said and was able to get a CSV export of all deleted leads.
Thank you!
Hi Bob Schumann, I am glad that it is helpful to you.
As hope you have imported your required lead along with ID column and deleted as value 0.
Hi Bob Schumann, I am glad that it is helpful to you.
As hope you have imported your required lead along with ID column and deleted as value 0.