"Add Dashlet" not working???

Hello Everyone,
    I am using SugarCRM 6.5.x CE version. I am trying to add dashlet on my screen and it's not working. I have only two dashlet on screen. Whenever I try to add dashlet, it show 'Loading' and it doesn't do at all after that. Please help me soon on this. I am trying this since two weeks. Thank you.
  • In my case it seemed to be the browser. "Add Dashlet" doesn't work with Google Chrome on Mac Version 42.0.2311.135 (64-bit) for some reasons I don't know. Emptying browser cache didn't help.
    All other current Browsers on bot Mac Yosemite and Windows 8 worked flawlessly (Firefox, Safari, IE, Opera even Google Chrome for Windows worked).
  • In my case it seemed to be the browser. "Add Dashlet" doesn't work with Google Chrome on Mac Version 42.0.2311.135 (64-bit) for some reasons I don't know. Emptying browser cache didn't help.
    All other current Browsers on bot Mac Yosemite and Windows 8 worked flawlessly (Firefox, Safari, IE, Opera even Google Chrome for Windows worked).
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