Sugar PDF generator sometimes fails

Hi all.

We just created our custom module - Meeting Minutes. This module uses the Sugar PDF generator to produce PDF documents:

We´ve mainly be using these guidelines ->

What happens: For some users, clicking on the "Generate Report" button takes them back to List View.

What should happen: A PDF document should appear on the screen in a new tab, ready for downloading or whatever.

The code we are using in record.js to generate the PDF:

        handleGenerate: function () {
                // Gather information needed for the report
                var allFields = []
                for(var fieldnr in this.fields) {
                        // exclude undefined fields
                        if(this.fields[fieldnr].label && this.fields[fieldnr].value){
                                var field = {};
                                field.label = this.fields[fieldnr].label;
                                if(field.label != "Minutes"){
                                        if(field.label == "Teams" || field.label == "Tags"){
                                                var names = "";
                                                for(var valuenr in this.fields[fieldnr].value){
                                                        if(names.length > 0)
                                                                names = names + ", " + this.fields[fieldnr].value[valuenr].name;
                                                                names = this.fields[fieldnr].value[valuenr].name;
                                                field.value = names;
                                        } else {
                                                field.value = this.fields[fieldnr].value;

                // Fetch rich content
                var minutes = "";
                for(var editFieldNr in this.editableFields){
                        if(this.editableFields[editFieldNr].name == "rich_content_c"){
                                var richField = this.editableFields[editFieldNr];
                                minutes = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(richField.$el["0"].children.rich_content_c.contentDocument);

                // Generate the report
                var contents = "";
                var isSubjectSet = false;
                var isEmptyLine = true;
                for(var index in allFields){
                                        contents = contents + "<tr>";

                                contents = contents + "<td><p style='' data-mce-style='font-size: 11'>" + allFields[index].label + ": " + allFields[index].value + "</p></td>";

                                        contents = contents + "</tr>";

                                isEmptyLine = !isEmptyLine;
                        } else {
                                contents = contents + "<subject>" + allFields[index].value + "</subject><table>";
                                isSubjectSet = true;
                contents = contents + "</table></br>" + this.getBody(minutes);

                // Replace ampersands with escaped version
                contents = contents.replace("&", "%26");

                // Display the report
      'https://{our server}/index.php?module=MN_meeting_minutes&action=sugarpdf&sugarpdf=minutes&contents=' + contents, '_blank');


        getBody: function(html) {
                //Only get the contents within the <body> tag
                var bodySplit = html.split(/^(.*<body.*?)>/);
                var afterBody = bodySplit[bodySplit.length-1];
                var final = afterBody.split("</body>")[0];
                return final;



  • I have seen this before and, in our case, it was an issue with a Chrome browser configuration/

    in Google Chrome, you need to disable the PDF Viewer to ensure that it is downloaded correctly.  To do this go to chrome://plugins and find and disable “Chrome PDF Viewer” in the list.


     As of Chrome 57, you will need to go to: chrome://settings/content to enable the PDF Documents "Open PDF files in the default PDF viewer application" setting

    See if that helps,


  • I have seen this before and, in our case, it was an issue with a Chrome browser configuration/

    in Google Chrome, you need to disable the PDF Viewer to ensure that it is downloaded correctly.  To do this go to chrome://plugins and find and disable “Chrome PDF Viewer” in the list.


     As of Chrome 57, you will need to go to: chrome://settings/content to enable the PDF Documents "Open PDF files in the default PDF viewer application" setting

    See if that helps,

