OPI 2.2.0 mass deployment: Best practice

Hi all

Got Sugar Ent and running Outlook 2016 (Office 365):

Installed the OPI 2.2.0 already using the setup.exe and all working fine. Uninstall it.

Try to install the OPI 2.2.0 using the MSI but get an error:

So I read the Guide and it says:

The setup.exe file will install two of the necessary libraries if needed. Please note that running data.package.msi will not install the Outlook plug-in.

We usually use SCCM or LANDesk to deploy software to workstations. So my question is: How are you guys mass deploying the OPI 2.2.0?

What is the best practice here?

As always - thanks,


  • In case there are others wondering the same, I´m posting the info I managed to obtain    I´m still missing info about un-install quietly with the option to keep current settings (since OPI 2.2.0 requires an uninstall before installation). I´ll post that here as well if I find. Would be great if someone else knows that part and is willing to share...

    Silent install OPI Instructions

    Command to run silent install of OPI:

    x64 platform"msiexec /i data.package.msi /quiet OFFICE_BITNESS=x64 ALLUSERS=1"

    x86 platform"msiexec /i data.package.msi /quiet OFFICE_BITNESS=x86 ALLUSERS=1"

    It's also possible to extract all files from vstor40_x64.exe (vstor40_x86.exe for x86 platform) and use extracted vstor40_x64.msi to mass deploy latest version of VSTO runtime.

    Command line for VSTO install: "msiexec /i vstor40_x64.msi /quiet"

  • Hi Kristjan Geir Mathiesen,

    I'm not very familiar with MSI. Does this method allow you to set any of the plug-in configuration settings? Or do they still need to be set on a per-machine basis? I'm looking for a mechanism to set them for the whole organization (well, everything other than the username/pw) and lock down individual changes. 

    Business Analyst

    Technology Advisors, Inc.

  • I´m sorry Megan Sheehan but I personally don´t know. I´ve asked my SysAdmin but he has not answered, yet. I´ll try to remember to post it here when I get an answer.

    I´m also waiting to get an answer regarding best practices for mass upgrade with keeping the settings untouched (OPI 2.3.0 is due in Q4 so we´ll need that info as well).

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