false warning are a permissions problem?

Since upgrading SugarCRM to Pro 7.6.1 this past Friday users trying to create records on some custom modules get a warning: "There was an error while connecting to the server. Please Try again"

In reality the record is created but unless you are an Administrator on Sugar you can't see it.
As a result they have been creating duplicate records through no fault of their own as they repeatedly try to enter the new record.

One thing these records have in common is the team_set_id is Null.

Any thoughts on how to fix it?

I also noticed the subpanels on the Users module are not showing, I'm missing Roles among others which I would think would be essential for permissions.

I have repaired relationships, as well as logic functions, JS language and anything else I could think of to no avail.

I had a copy of PRD which I upgraded as a test environment and that didn't have any issues so I was happy to go to production with this new version but now it's giving me no end of trouble.

Any thoughts?
  • Hi Francesca

    This is probably a 'teams' issue, rather than 'roles' - I think the problem may be that your end users do not belong to any sugar teams (at least, I could replicate the behavior on my local instance by removing an end users' associated teams). You could try manually adding a user to a team, and see if resolves the issue.. or you could do an 'upgrade teams' (in the Repair area), and this will recreate the Private teams for users.

    Let me know how you get on!

  • Thanks, I did a repair teams, to no avail.
    I checked user records, they all have their teams so that's not an issue.
    I was able to temporarily fix the problem by replacing the include dir with a copy from a clean 7.6.1 but then lost the sugarLogic. 
    Something is fundamentally wrong with this upgrade and I think it all stems form an error in php.ini whereby max_execution_time was set to 30 instead of 300. The upgrade left corrupt files or unfinished files somewhere...

    I've spent the evening trying to figure this out and it looks like I'll be here the rest of the night

  • Hi Francesca,

    It seems I have this problem now. Do you have any solutions for this? I am currently on sugar7.6.0.0.

    Anything will be helpful. 


  • I don't have a solution as such, just a series of things I repeated again and again until I could see formulae, and roles under users.

    Fix permissions from root down, I use these which set user/group to apache on everything, all directories to 775 and all files to 664

    sudo chown -R  apache:apache *

    sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;

    sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;


    delete everything from the cache folder

    Repair/Rebuild and everything else in the Repair list that doesn't give a special warning

    The system has been stable in 7.6.1 for a while (crossing my fingers)

    The only other big change I made to 7.6.1 is the consolidation of the language files (Where in code to maintain dropdowns for 7.x ? ) , though I don't quite see how that would affect anything.



  • Hi Francesca,

    Is your system still stable under

    We are having the EXACT same issue you described.  We are currently on

    I've also queried the MySQL DB and all of the team_set_id's for users are set to 1 (Global), however, when users try to create call reports they receive the same error message you described in your OP.  I queried the DB for the call reports module and all of the call reports are there, however, the team_set_id is blank.  As an admin, I can open the call report, edit the default team and set it to Global manually and it now appears for all users.  However, it is a pain to do this manually for all users.

    I have kept my eye on the Dev Console in Chrome, and occasionally I will see the following error: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized Unknown)"  with a link that is similar to "https://<ourSugarInstance>.com/rest/v10/metadata?type_filter", followed by a very long URL.

    The URL brings me to an empty tab with a JSON response.  It reads: {"error":"need_login","error_message":"No valid authentication for user."}

    What's particularly strange is we got this error message consistently for about 48 hours when our entire sugar system was down.  However, now we see it popping up at random but Sugar still functions normal for the most part (Minus the "error while connecting to server" error message).  I cannot seem to recreate it

  • Hi Francesca,

    Is your system still stable under

    We are having the EXACT same issue you described.  We are currently on

    I've also queried the MySQL DB and all of the team_set_id's for users are set to 1 (Global), however, when users try to create call reports they receive the same error message you described in your OP.  I queried the DB for the call reports module and all of the call reports are there, however, the team_set_id is blank.  As an admin, I can open the call report, edit the default team and set it to Global manually and it now appears for all users.  However, it is a pain to do this manually for all users.

    I have kept my eye on the Dev Console in Chrome, and occasionally I will see the following error: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized Unknown)"  with a link that is similar to "https://<ourSugarInstance>.com/rest/v10/metadata?type_filter", followed by a very long URL.

    The URL brings me to an empty tab with a JSON response.  It reads: {"error":"need_login","error_message":"No valid authentication for user."}

    What's particularly strange is we got this error message consistently for about 48 hours when our entire sugar system was down.  However, now we see it popping up at random but Sugar still functions normal for the most part (Minus the "error while connecting to server" error message).  I cannot seem to recreate it
