7.6 - Create Opportunity and RLI simultaneously - change available RLI fields...?

We have recently upgraded to v7.6 of Sugar, and one of the great new features is the ability to create an Opportunity and its associated RLIs simultaneously.

However, I cannot see how you can change what fields are available when you create the RLI underneath the opportunity. For example, we do not use the "Best" and "Worst" value fields - we simply use "Likely". 

Presumably there is somewhere I can change these fields in Studio...? If so, please can someone tell me where! It is in none of the obvious places...

Parents Reply
  • Hi Dan,

    Many thanks for your reply, however this does not resolve the issue.

    Editing via Opps > Subpanels > RLIs will change the fields I see when I look at the RLI subpanel on an exisiting Opportunity record.

    Editing via RLIs > Layouts > Record View changes the fields I see when I open a stand-alone RLI.

    What I need to change is the view of RLIs you see when you create a new Opportunity:

    For example, we do not use the out-of-the-box Forecast field, but we do have custom fields which need populating on an RLI.

    Where do you customise this view in Studio?

    Best wishes,
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