How do I display special characters in PDF Manager

I have some quotes created in PDF manager. There are some special characters in the product name and description. For example, we use      .  When the quote prints out, instead of seeing the symbol, we get a question mark (?).  Is there a way we can fix this through PDF manager?

  • Hi John,

    It sounds like the special characters that are being used in these PDF documents are not included within the stock font pack in the TCPDF engine.

    You can, however, download the TCPDF engine (TCPDF) and convert the relevant TTF font file that uses these characters into a format that is compatible with TCPDF.  The steps to do so would be similar to those found below:

    1. Download the most recent version of the TCPDF engine from:
    2. Extract the downloaded ZIP directory to retrieve the individual TCPDF files.
    3. Open the newly-extracted /tcpdf directory, and then navigate to the /tools directory.
    4. Copy your source TTF font file from its original location into the ./tcpdf/tools directory.
    5. Open a Terminal/Command Prompt window and navigate to the /tools directory within the /tcpdf directory that was extracted in the previous step.
    6. Where "font.ttf" is the name of your source TTF font file, run the following command in the Terminal/Command Prompt window: ./tcpdf_addfont.php -i font.ttf
    7. Ensure that the conversion completed successfully. The terminal/command prompt window will display a status that it is converting fonts for TCPDF, and once complete, it will indicate "Process successfully completed!"
    8. Verify that the font is now available by navigating to the ./tcpdf/tools directory and sorting by Date Modified to find the most recently added fonts.

    Once that is complete, you will be able to take the files that were converted and place them into the Sugar instance's font directory, either through a package that can be installed via Module Loader, or (for on-site installations) placing the font files directly into ./custom/include/tcpdf/fonts/ - then run a Quick Repair and Rebuild to make the font files available.  You may visit the Advanced tab of a user's profile to provide them with the ability to use the newly-installed font.


    Patrick Sullivan

    SugarCRM Support

    Learning Resources: | |

  • Hi John,

    It sounds like the special characters that are being used in these PDF documents are not included within the stock font pack in the TCPDF engine.

    You can, however, download the TCPDF engine (TCPDF) and convert the relevant TTF font file that uses these characters into a format that is compatible with TCPDF.  The steps to do so would be similar to those found below:

    1. Download the most recent version of the TCPDF engine from:
    2. Extract the downloaded ZIP directory to retrieve the individual TCPDF files.
    3. Open the newly-extracted /tcpdf directory, and then navigate to the /tools directory.
    4. Copy your source TTF font file from its original location into the ./tcpdf/tools directory.
    5. Open a Terminal/Command Prompt window and navigate to the /tools directory within the /tcpdf directory that was extracted in the previous step.
    6. Where "font.ttf" is the name of your source TTF font file, run the following command in the Terminal/Command Prompt window: ./tcpdf_addfont.php -i font.ttf
    7. Ensure that the conversion completed successfully. The terminal/command prompt window will display a status that it is converting fonts for TCPDF, and once complete, it will indicate "Process successfully completed!"
    8. Verify that the font is now available by navigating to the ./tcpdf/tools directory and sorting by Date Modified to find the most recently added fonts.

    Once that is complete, you will be able to take the files that were converted and place them into the Sugar instance's font directory, either through a package that can be installed via Module Loader, or (for on-site installations) placing the font files directly into ./custom/include/tcpdf/fonts/ - then run a Quick Repair and Rebuild to make the font files available.  You may visit the Advanced tab of a user's profile to provide them with the ability to use the newly-installed font.


    Patrick Sullivan

    SugarCRM Support

    Learning Resources: | |

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