In 6.5.15 I would unset those legacy items in the app list strings array during in the pre display on view.edit.php for new records.
In 7.2.0 I am trying to reproduce that functionality in create-actions.js
console.log() is my new best friend and I know I'm getting to the items I want to remove by looping through the app list strings and using javascript match (see hideLegacyValues below).
I just don't know how to unset the options that i want to hide...
It seems that $('[data-name="territory_classification_c"]').options is undefined.
and there are actually no "options" as such in the source code.
Any clues as to the proper way to manipulate dropdown values in code?
render: function()
hideLegacyValues: function(){
// hide legacy items from territory classification
var territory_list = app.lang.getAppListStrings('territory_classification_list_DD');
Object.keys(territory_list).forEach(function(key) {
var check = territory_list[key].match(/legacy/);
//the line below gives an ERROR