Sugar7 non-db html field displays fine in list view but shows code in list view dashlet

I have a non-db field

//color coding for list view includes html img reference
$dictionary['Case']['fields']['case_notice_c']= array(
        'name' => 'case_notice_c',
        'vname' => 'LBL_CASE_NOTICE_C',
        'type' => 'html',
        'source' => 'non-db',

that gets populated by a process_record logic hook and results in a combination of Case Status and color coded bullet image (colors depend on a variety of other fields). 

The resulting value is something like:

<img src="custom/themes/bullets/yellowdot.gif" title =" New Unknown Unknown 7 work hrs">New

This displays correctly in list view

but displays as html in Dashlet view.

Any thoughts on how to correct the dashlet view?

  • Hi FrancescaS,

    I don't have an answer on how to correct the dashlet view, but I do believe this is a bug since the behavior between the list view and the list view dashlet should mirror each other in this regard and similar behavior is seen if your HTML field was built in Studio too. This is being reviewed internally and once I have the bug number, I'll add it to this conversation.


    Alex Nassi
    Digital CX Operations Director

  • Hi Francesca!

    I'm trying to display a html column in a listview for one of my custom modules. That html field could be different for each record. I first tried to play with HTML field type in the studio but this type is just to display static values. I guess the non-db source is the solution to my problem so I created it my list.php , can you explain me how and where do you set the value of the field (in your case the different colours)?


  • Hi Francesca!

    I'm trying to display a html column in a listview for one of my custom modules. That html field could be different for each record. I first tried to play with HTML field type in the studio but this type is just to display static values. I guess the non-db source is the solution to my problem so I created it my list.php , can you explain me how and where do you set the value of the field (in your case the different colours)?

