Formatting amount (likely) in the assignment notification email

Hi all

As you all know, there is an email sent out when a record is assigned to someone else. For Opportunities, the field Likely (I´ve renamed it to "Amount" in our system) comes on this email notification.

My challenge is that is shows up with all 6 decimal places! Can we format the html template in a way to that there are no decimal places?

Also, at some point in time there were no decimal places showing up in the notification (see the left example):


I don´t have a clue why it worked once but now...

We are using ISK as a currency and took the decimals off with in the file"config_overwrite.php", see:

$sugar_config['admin_export_only'] = true;

$sugar_config['default_currency_iso4217'] = 'ISK';

$sugar_config['default_currency_name'] = 'Íslenskar krónur';

$sugar_config['default_currency_significant_digits'] = '0';

$sugar_config['default_currency_symbol'] = 'kr.';

$sugar_config['default_date_format'] = 'd.m.Y';

$sugar_config['default_decimal_seperator'] = ',';

$sugar_config['default_locale_name_format'] = 'f l';

$sugar_config['default_number_grouping_seperator'] = '.';

$sugar_config['default_time_format'] = 'H:i';

Any help highly appreciated. Thanks,


  • Kristjan,

    I tested this locally in a version of Sugar and was not able to reproduce this scenario.  I added the config_override settings that you provided (thank you for that!) and still was not able to reproduce the issue.  I assume this notification is from a workflow in Workflow Management?

    What version are you running? 

    Kind Regards,


  • Hi Lori. when I wrote this (7.7 now).

    This is the out-of-the-box notification email that is sent when a record is assigned. I did not do this in Workflow nor PA. This (seems to me) is the only email sending that Sugar has out-of-the-box.

    Here is an example of one from 7.7:

    Sorry, it´s the field "Likely" that I´ve renamed to "Amount" here.

    I did change the heading "Opportunity" in that mail to "Name" but that´s the extent of the modification. Maybe something fell apart with that...

    Thanks for looking into this


  • Kristjan,

    I was able to reproduce your scenario with the out of the box assignment notifications when using the ISK currency.  I created a case for you and related it to a defect that I just filed.

    I discovered in my testing that if you enter a value without a decimal in the Likely (Amount) field, then the decimal and extra zeroes do not come across in the notification (The example you provided on the left).  However, if you do enter in a decimal in the Likely field, then the precision shows the incorrect number of zeroes.

    FYI: The precision issue does not occur when using the USD currency.

    Hope this helps,


  • Kristjan,

    I was able to reproduce your scenario with the out of the box assignment notifications when using the ISK currency.  I created a case for you and related it to a defect that I just filed.

    I discovered in my testing that if you enter a value without a decimal in the Likely (Amount) field, then the decimal and extra zeroes do not come across in the notification (The example you provided on the left).  However, if you do enter in a decimal in the Likely field, then the precision shows the incorrect number of zeroes.

    FYI: The precision issue does not occur when using the USD currency.

    Hope this helps,


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