How do I setup an email campaign to all of an accounts contacts?

In Sugar CE 6.5, How do I setup an email campaign to all of an accounts email contacts?  If I add an account to the campaign, for example one account has 50+ contacts in multiple locations and all are listed as contacts under the account, no emails went out?  Is ther an email canpaign setting that I missed?   How can I assign them to a target list?

  • Rick,

    When you add an Account record to the target list, it uses the email address that is related to the account.  The only method that I can see to add all contacts for an account to a target list is to follow these steps:

    1. Go to the target list and scroll down to the Contacts subpanel,
    2. Click on the Contacts action menu dropdown and click "Select",
    3. Enter the Account name in the search area and click Search,
    4. Check the checkbox in the header to select all contacts,
    5. Click "Select".

    I understand that this can become tedious if you have multiple accounts that you wish to send the campaign out to. The only other suggestion is to add another search criteria to the Contact popup view in order to broaden your search.  You can customize the Contact popup view by going to Admin > Studio > Contacts > Layouts > PopupvVew.

    Hope this helps,


  • Thank you Lori,  a little bit of brain freeze here.  Somehow I got myself all turned around. 

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