Overdue Process alert (7.6 on-demand)? 

Hi Guys,

How can I set up an email alert when a process is overdue?

As I am enforcing mandatory fields (through an Activity) I would like to send an email when the process is pending and when it is overdue (via email) to the account creator. I will eventually escalate this issue if there is no furhter actions after a longer period, of course.

I have tried different iterations but so far I have been unable to do it.

Please find attached a graphic representation. It is a bit messy (i know ) but i have been trying everything I can to make it work.

The process stops at the activity level awaitng for a routing.


I would appreciate all the help you could give me.



Parents Reply
  • Eric,

    Continuing on what Jill mentions, in order to get events to move beyond the timer when the time threshold is met, you will need to ensure that the Process Author Scheduled Job is triggered in Admin > Schedulers.  Once this scheduler job is triggered, and the time threshold is met in a process, the process should then move to the next event in the process.

    Hope this helps,

