Getting Problem while installing SugarCE-6.5.22 on localhost

I tried to install SugarCE-6.5.22, but I am getting some problems while installing it.

Here is a list:

Strict Standards: Declaration of SugarEmailAddress::save() should be compatible with that of SugarBean::save() inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\include\SugarEmailAddress\SugarEmailAddress.php on line 1110

Strict Standards: Declaration of Person::create_export_query() should be compatible with that of SugarBean::create_export_query() inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\include\SugarObjects\templates\person\Person.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Declaration of User::retrieve() should be compatible with that of Person::retrieve() in E:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\modules\Users\User.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Declaration of User::create_export_query() should be compatible with that of Person::create_export_query() inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\modules\Users\User.phpon line 41

Strict Standards: Declaration of User::create_new_list_query() should be compatible with that of SugarBean::create_new_list_query() inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\modules\Users\User.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Declaration of User::list_view_parse_additional_sections() should be compatible with that of SugarBean::list_view_parse_additional_sections() inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\modules\Users\User.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Declaration of Currency::retrieve() should be compatible with that of SugarBean::retrieve() in E:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\modules\Currencies\Currency.php on line236

Strict Standards: Non-static method UploadStream::register() should not be called statically in E:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\include\entryPoint.php on line 181

Strict Standards: Non-static method SugarConfig::getInstance() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\include\SugarLogger\LoggerManager.php on line 73

Strict Standards: Non-static method SugarConfig::getInstance() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\include\SugarLogger\SugarLogger.php on line 118

Strict Standards: Declaration of MysqlManager::checkQuery() should be compatible with that of DBManager::checkQuery() inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\include\database\MysqlManager.php on line 1497

Strict Standards: Declaration of TemplateTextArea::get_db_default() should be compatible with that of TemplateField::get_db_default() inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\modules\DynamicFields\templates\Fields\TemplateTextArea.php on line 93

Strict Standards: Declaration of TemplateMultiEnum::get_db_default() should be compatible with that of TemplateField::get_db_default() inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\modules\DynamicFields\templates\Fields\TemplateMultiEnum.php on line 163

Strict Standards: Declaration of TemplateRadioEnum::get_db_default() should be compatible with that of TemplateField::get_db_default() inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\modules\DynamicFields\templates\Fields\TemplateRadioEnum.php on line 133

Strict Standards: Declaration of ParserLabel::handleSave() should be compatible with that of ModuleBuilderParser::handleSave() inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\modules\ModuleBuilder\parsers\parser.label.php on line 43

Strict Standards: Declaration of UndeployedRelationships::findRelatableModules() should be compatible with that of AbstractRelationships::findRelatableModules() inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\modules\ModuleBuilder\parsers\relationships\UndeployedRelationships.php on line 44

Strict Standards: Declaration of UndeployedRelationships::build() should be compatible with that of AbstractRelationships::build() inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\modules\ModuleBuilder\parsers\relationships\UndeployedRelationships.php on line 44

Strict Standards: Non-static method LogicHook::initialize() should not be called statically in E:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\include\entryPoint.php on line 236

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at E:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\modules\ModuleBuilder\parsers\relationships\UndeployedRelationships.php:44) in E:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\include\MVC\SugarApplication.php on line594

Strict Standards: Non-static method LogicHook::initialize() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\include\MVC\SugarApplication.php on line 611

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at E:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\modules\ModuleBuilder\parsers\relationships\UndeployedRelationships.php:44) in E:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\include\utils.php on line 2647

Strict Standards: Non-static method ControllerFactory::getController() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context inE:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\include\MVC\SugarApplication.php on line 71

Strict Standards: Non-static method LogicHook::initialize() should not be called statically in E:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\include\utils.php on line 2966

Strict Standards: Non-static method Tracker::logPage() should not be called statically in E:\xampp\htdocs\sugarcrm\include\utils.php on line 2977

  • Hi,

    Thanks to both of you for your support. This is the first time I am using sugarcrm, I have few more questions, I would appreciate if you can help me.

    I downloaded the SugerCE 6.5.22 version, I am using it on my local machine. My moto is  Provide the data to the agents and then they will call on them to get the sales. For this I need to embed the voIP.

    Here I activated only 2 options, one is Leads and another is Contacts. Once the agent set the Lead as Convert Lead it shows in Contact section too. Once the job is done (when lead will become sale), how can they change the status of the Contact/Lead to be Done etc..., so that they will get to know about the status of the Contact/Lead.

    Another is How can I embed the voIP like asterisk in to. I don't want to show the numbers to agents, I just want they should be able to connect the call but they should not know the client's number etc...


  • When you convert a Lead to a Contact you are prompted to also create a linked Opportunity or deal. The opportunity record is what you would work as a sales person, specifying the potential deal size in dollars (or whatever your currency happens to be), the status and other values/attributes that are helpful for the sales person and your organization. You would want to do it this way versus the Contact as this allows you to work multiple deals with distinct statuses for any one contact.

    As for the telephony integration, Sugar itself doesn't provide any direct links to Asterisk or other phone systems. You would need a third party add-on such as CallInize in order to integrate the two.

  • I tried the way you mentioned. I clicked on the link "Convert Lead", I created the opportunity, but for this I had to create a Contact and Accounts both. (I think accounts are for companies, here I am just contacting the customers directly not the companies, It's B2C.) After Created the opportunity, when I try to change the status, where can I mark my notes about the conversation I had with customer, and when I select the Closed Won from Sales stage Field in opportunities, records are still showing in Contacts, Accounts etc..., It's bit like confusing, so that means I can only get to know about the lead status from opportunities section only, but If look into contacts section I can't get to know the status.

    Thank you,

  • I tried the way you mentioned. I clicked on the link "Convert Lead", I created the opportunity, but for this I had to create a Contact and Accounts both. (I think accounts are for companies, here I am just contacting the customers directly not the companies, It's B2C.) After Created the opportunity, when I try to change the status, where can I mark my notes about the conversation I had with customer, and when I select the Closed Won from Sales stage Field in opportunities, records are still showing in Contacts, Accounts etc..., It's bit like confusing, so that means I can only get to know about the lead status from opportunities section only, but If look into contacts section I can't get to know the status.

    Thank you,

  • You might want to consider working with one of our partners so they can coach and advise you on the best way to apply your business processes within the application. It sounds like you might need some code level customizations to fully address all your use case.

    To address some of your points, if you have a conversation with an individual, regardless of whether it is related to a deal or not, you could track it a couple of different ways. One way would be through the use of an entry in the Calls module and linked to the contact or opportunity. Another way would be through a similar principle, but using a Notes module entry instead.

    These are some of the techniques that a partner can coach you on as there are different approaches and which suits you best is better determined as part of a larger discussion on how to address your business needs within Sugar.

  • Thank you for the solution, I would like to know how can I hide the phone number for agents, but they should be able to make call via voip. I tried to search out but I didn't get it.

    Thank you