Update checkbox through calculated value based on fields in a related module

Hi There,

I am trying to get a checkbox in the accounts module (out_of_service) to show as checked if the cases module type is equal to "Out of Service" and the status is not "closed" using the calculated values in studio. I have tried the below but it is not working:

ifElse(and(equal(related($cases,"type"),"Out of Service"),not(equal(related($cases,"status"),"Closed"))),true,false)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

Parents Reply
  • Hi SV,

    It's true, calculated fields are pretty slick - I tested your logic and it successfully executes for me. Try these troubleshooting steps:

    • Admin > Repair > Rebuild Sugar Logic Functions
    • Admin > Repair > Quick Repair & Rebuild
    • Edit and re-save a Case record that meets the stated criteria
    • Confirm the spelling and case of the fields in your formula match the fields in the system
    • Select a list of accounts and choose Recalculate Values from the actions menu