email campaign not running


New to Sugar, we got the system setup no problem. Outbound email tests successful. We setup a simple email campaign with two recipients, It was setup and scheduled with wizard, shows as active but wont run, and scheduler shows as nothing has run for email campaigns. We did not receive any errors running wizard, but never received email to the targets?

Parents Reply
  • Sugar is just a website that is running in your web server.  If that's IIS, it's probably C:\inetpub\wwwroot.  If that's Apache, I don't know where it would be installed.  If you open up the Admin section of Sugar then open the Scheduler hyperlink, it should give you the text you need to use in your cron setup.  Something like: *    *    *    *    *     cd /var/www/html/crm; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1

    Also on that screen, you can click on any Scheduler and it will show you a Job Log of the history of the Job running.

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