Populate SugarCRM with bunch of LDAP users to make them existing without having to log-in first


Context: We are using SugarCRM (7.6) with the LDAP connector to get our users, known in our Active Directory, authenticated in the application (we are not yet live, actually in development).

The way it works natively in Sugar is that upon the first user connection of a valid "Active Directory person", if the user doesn't have a "sugarcrm user" it gets automatically created.

The problem we have: We have to prepare and setup some configurations regarding our people (~300 users), like differents notions of teams, ACL, etc. But given the fact that user get created upon login, we are searching a way to just automatically feed SugarCRM with all the expected users, to let us do setup differents configurations regarding them.

What is the best pratice and the proper way to get our users already pre-created without having all of them log-in one after the other? (no no, we will not ask to 300 people to just connect for the pleasure , surely we can automate this hehe!)

What we are looking as possibles solutions for now: Creating a script which will connect with LDAP into our AD and just POST them to SugarCRM using the REST API... (is this making sense, or not?)

Thanks for the help!

Parents Reply

  • I used an "external" (locally hosted) Linux system to run the script as we have an on-demand SugarCRM. The python implementation of LDAP is straight-forward, but if you are using SSL certificates, either ldaps or STARTTLS, then you may have some problems with accepting the certificate because the configuration of root certificate storage is dependent on Linux versions and if you have a root certificate chain on your ldap server. The easiest way to test is to not use certificates. Once you have that working then use certificates but set the LDAP flag in your program to not check the certificate. Once that works, figure out how to check the root certificate. The Linux command line "ldapsearch" is very useful for debugging LDAP connection problems.

