I am trying to change the width of each column in the lead list view but it doesn't change even if its already updated and deployed in the Studio > Leads > Layouts > List View. What seems to be the problem about this?
Go to Studio- Layouts- Listview. From there, you see the Default column on the left side of the screen, there is percentage assinged to them. You can change this percentage and save changes. However, I am also trying to do this and although I've changed the percentages, the display does not save. HHas anyone esle experienced this issue?
Go to Studio- Layouts- Listview. From there, you see the Default column on the left side of the screen, there is percentage assinged to them. You can change this percentage and save changes. However, I am also trying to do this and although I've changed the percentages, the display does not save. HHas anyone esle experienced this issue?