Total not refreshing on Report based Dashlet (running 7.6.1 Pro)

I have some dashlets based on reports. In the title appears the total.
Each time you re-run the report the total updates but when the dashlet refreshes the title remains the same as when the report-dashlet was first added and totals don't update.

How can I get the total to refresh?
  • Does this sound like the issue you are experiencing? 

    Dashlets for charts driven by reports do not automatically refresh "Title" totals.

    1. Create a report that summarizes data, such as opportunities, and include a chart
    2. Display report's chart in a Dashlet
    3. Enable the "Show Title" checkbox
    4. Click button to save chart settings and display dashlet


    The title on the chart will show the text in the field next to the "show title" field, but the associated total value will not refresh or update accordingly to reflect the data in the report.

  • Very cool. 

    You should be able to do that in an upgrade-safe manner by extending that controller. Put your code in ./custom/clients/base/views/saved-reports-chart/ and in saved-reports-chart.js do:

    extendsFrom: 'SavedReportsChartView',

    setChartParams: function(serverData, update) {
    //your version of the method



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