Add validation to custom field in Campaigns module

    We're using Sugar version 7.2. We have a requirement to add a time field in the Campaigns module. For this I created a custom field using Studio called start time. Now since this was a free text field I had to add validations so only valid times were entered. I first made my changes in the Wizard by customising the WizardCampaignHeader.tpl in custom/modules/Campaigns/tpls/WizardCampaignHeader.tpl. I added my field
<tr>        <td scope="col"><span sugar='slot14'>{$MOD.LBL_START_TIME}:</span sugar='slot'></td>        <td><span sugar='slot14b'><input id='start_time' name='wiz_step1_start_time_c' title='{$MOD.LBL_START_TIME}' type="text" value="{$START_TIME_C}" ></span sugar='slot'></td>        </tr>

And after that added validation for my field

addToValidate('wizform', 'start_time', 'time', false,  document.getElementById('start_time').title);

So now it works okay. Although I haven't figured out how to add validations when I click on the edit button and then click on save. Can someone please provide some guidance?

Kind Regards,
Madhav Shenoy
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