Sugar Market - Nurture 2.0 - How to re-enroll a distro list that has been previously enrolled.


What's the easiest way to re-submit the same list of contacts to a nurture that they have already been through and exited? I'm doing internal testing (sending to colleagues for now) on triggered emails via Nurture.


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  • The reason for my question is because it's actually impossible to re-enroll the same list into a nurture twice, unless they have been triggered into it by form submissions, a lead scoring action, or a Listener. Otherwise, no matter if that "Allow to go through More than Once" checkbox is selected, the records can't go through the nurture again. 

    Your best option is to duplicate the nurture (which can easily be done on the nurtures List View) and send that same list through the new, duplicated nurture. 

    I hope this is helpful! 

  • Ok right on. This will work. We only want to do this kind of re-enrollment for our internal testing group, so duplicating and proceeding that way is fine.

    Thanks Morgan!