Introducing the Breakthrough Technology Partnership Award

You spoke, we listened, and honestly, we AGREE. Like how every player has a coach, every musician has a producer, and every Batman has a Robin. This year, we have a new Customer Breakthrough Award category to celebrate our partners' and customers' special relationships. 

The Breakthrough Technology Partnership Award celebrates a partner and SugarCRM customer who have joined forces to drive innovation and positive business outcomes together. If you have an amazing story to tell about how leveraging Sugar resulted in real business achievements, knowing that you had the full support of your partner during the journey — begin your nomination now!

Who should submit for this award? A Sugar partner and customer, in which the partner acts as an advisor, deeply understand the customer's needs and business, and collaborates to ensure customer success with significant business impact.

Who can nominate for this award? Either half of the whole! Both customers and partners are welcome to nominate their organizations for this award. If you're a partner, please get the customer's consent prior to submitting your nomination.

We'll select one customer/partner pair to win this award in each region. Don't miss your chance to share your story. Nominate your company and partner by October 5 to be considered.

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