SDK Update 60 -> 63/64: Error encountered. Aborting

Hi there,

I'm wondering if anyone tried to update to the latest SDK (63 or 64)?
The thing is that we are trying to update it from version 60.0.732-1.4.2-2 to version 63.0.741-1.4.2-2 or 64.0.744-1.4.2-2, however, the process interrupts on "Starting 'app-icons-android' with the error "Error encountered. Aborting!".

It happens when updating the app (./sdk init-native) as well as when generating a new one ($SUGAR_MOBILE_SDK_HOME/<version>/sdk/generate-app).

Homebrew and node are updated to the latest version

There is no further explanation in the logs, only "Error encountered. Aborting!".

Has anyone run into the same problem and maybe addressed it?

Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • i suspect one of the new node modules that was introduces maybe incompatible with your environment

    let's confirm this

    1. please check sdk version 60 again on your current environment. does it work now?

    2. switch to v64 and rm -rf node_modules and do npm install. check logs , were all modules installed successfully?

    i suspect maybe issue related to linux? meanwhile we will check if we can improve logging of the problem on our side
