Calling Javascript function from a relate field in Editview

Hello developers!

I need to call a javascript function when a record is chosen in a relate field (in the editview).

i know how to do that with standard fields like dropdowns and others but the javascript function is not called on relate fields.

1. i added the include in custom/modules/aa_Subscriptions/metadata/editviewdefs.php

'includes' =>
   array (
      0 =>
      array (
         'file' => 'custom/modules/aa_Subscriptions/Subscription.js',

2. added the "onchange" event in the field:

0 => 

array (

   'name' => 'aos_products_aa_subscriptions_2_name',

   'displayParams' => 

      array (

         'field' => 

            array (

               'onChange' => 'doSomthing(this.value);',




3. added a javascript file  custom/modules/aa_Subscriptions/Subscription.js

function doSomthing(param)
   alert('write your code here');


any way for that to work?

i really really need to find a solution for this. any help will do...

  • Hi Asaf Army

    Try this and let me know for further help:

    1. Add the javascript in custom/modules/aa_Subscriptions/metadata/editviewdefs.php
    'templateMeta' =>
    // Add this code
    array (
    'javascript' => '
    <script src="./include/javascript/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="./custom/modules/aa_Subscriptions/Subscription.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    2. added the "onchange" event:
    0 =>
    array (
    'name' => 'aos_products_aa_subscriptions_2_name',
    'displayParams' =>
    array (
    'javascript' => 'onchange=doSomthing(this.value);',

    3. added a javascript file custom/modules/aa_Subscriptions/Subscription.js
    function doSomthing(param)
    alert('write your code here');


    Hope this Helps..!!

    Best Regards

    S Ramana Raju

  • thank you for the quick response.

    I'm sorry but i don't have the file include/javascript/jquery.min.js in my sugarcrm project, where can i get it?

    (i use CE version 6.5.13)

    i tried referencing file /include/javascript/jquery/jquery-min.js but it doesn't work...

  • Hi Ramana,

    Can javascript fetch relate record value?

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