7.7 Custom entrypoint randomly redirects to index instead of actual entrypoint

I have a custom entrypoint that I installed via the instructions from the 7.7 developer guide.  The entrypoint is a popup window tied to a custom action button in the accounts module.  Below is my JS function that pops up the custom entrypoint.  It will work for a few hours, then it starts popping open the window but redirects to dashboards instead.  At this point it will intermittently work.  Sometimes the correct window opens, most of the time it wont.  A quick repair and rebuild temporarily fixes the issue but then it comes right back an hour or so later.  

order_history_popup: function() {
var account_id = this.model.get('id');
window.open('index.php?entryPoint=orderhistorypopup&account_id='+ account_id, 'Order History', 'width=900,height=680,scrollbars=yes,fullscreen=yes');


Parents Reply
  • I guess this depends on what you mean when you say "act like entry points currently do".  I have 2 types of entrypoints.  I have some popover windows that display data as web pages and I also have some arbitrary code which does not display any results.  

    If you look at the documentation 7.8 Endpoints it explains some of what endpoints can do.  There is an authentication setting called ('noLoginRequired' => false).  I have never tested this but if it accepts a value of false, it must accept a value of true.  I cant comment on what kind of security implications that would have though.  You'd have to test it and play around. 
