what is the suggested way of getting linked beans with conditions???

Hi all,

I have been always having this question since the early days when i start use sugar.

It is suggested that we should use sugar bean instead of SQL all the time. However, i do find sometime use SQL is way faster than use sugar bean in case that there are a very big numbers of records in the one to many relationships.

e.g. in my databse each client may have a lot of rows of linked products which status could be active or inactive, type ids could be very different and even more conditions. I want to find out the active, type A products for a particular client.

as far as i know, there are 3 way using sugar bean:

Option 1:  (* clean but it takes a lot of resource when the script need to be called often)

$focus = new Account();

$focus->retrieve('my record id');


Option 2: (* a little better but i can only use one condition here as far as i know)

$focus = new Account();

$options = array(

                'lhs_field' => 'product_type',

                'operator' => ' = ',

                'rhs_value' => $type_value,


$products = $focus->get_linked_beans('products', 'Product', array(), 0, -1, 0, $options);

Option 3: (*it is told that get_full_list is slow and may trigger process record logic hook)

$product = BeanFactory::newBean("Products");

            //base active products and BGL Query and Portal of BGL

            $where = "products.account_id = '".$client_id."' and "

                    . "products.status = 'active' and "

                    . "type_id = '132456789test987654321'";

            $client_base_products = $product->get_full_list('',$where);

and 4th way of using SQL:

Option 4:

Another way of use SQL is to use dbmanager:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE deleted = 0 and status = 'active' and type_id='xxxxxxxxxx'";
$result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql);
while($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result) )





Can anyone share with me which way is the sugar suggested way of achieving this purpose? thanks a lot. Alex Nassi



  • Hello Ron Lesh,

    I personally suggest Option 1 load_relationship with correction correction,

    Instead of using your code,

    $focus = new Account();

    $focus->retrieve('my record id');


    I suggest you to use below code, as you have the module name and module record id:

    $focus = BeanFactory::getBean('Accounts', 'my record id', array('disable_row_level_security' => true));


    BeanFactory::getBean is better option then new Account(),

    I read this somewhere, but right now, don't remember where I read it.

  • Hello Ron Lesh,

    I personally suggest Option 1 load_relationship with correction correction,

    Instead of using your code,

    $focus = new Account();

    $focus->retrieve('my record id');


    I suggest you to use below code, as you have the module name and module record id:

    $focus = BeanFactory::getBean('Accounts', 'my record id', array('disable_row_level_security' => true));


    BeanFactory::getBean is better option then new Account(),

    I read this somewhere, but right now, don't remember where I read it.
