No work sugarcrm/php82es84 version
Hi Eduardo Carrasco ,
what do you mean? we've tested it out before releasing it, so it could be on your side.. can you share some details about it?
I would advise you to look into SugarDockerized, our recommended approach when developing with Sugar.
Hi Eduardo Carrasco ,
what do you mean? we've tested it out before releasing it, so it could be on your side.. can you share some details about it?
I would advise you to look into SugarDockerized, our recommended approach when developing with Sugar.
I try install outbox Sugar 14.0 version in Vagrant but send following error:
Componente Estado
Configuración AllowOverride para .htaccess Prueba de reescrituras .htaccess falló. Esto por lo general significa que usted no tiene AllowOverride configurado para el directorio de Sugar.
Ubicación de su archivo de configuración de PHP (php.ini):