Where i can found a git workflow exmaple of an sugarCrm application ?

Hello everyone,

At our company, we have implemented a Git system for our client applications. However, we are experiencing challenges with database changes across our three types of environments: development, staging, and production (master).

We're finding it particularly difficult to:

1. Track and incorporate changes made by non-developer colleagues who create modifications in the studio.

2. Manage the creation of fields across different environments. We've discovered some useful information regarding custom fields in the fields_meta_data, but the process remains complex.

We would greatly appreciate any assistance or guidance on this subject, including:

1. Best practices for managing database changes in a Git workflow, especially for SugarCRM applications.

2. Strategies for tracking studio changes and incorporating them into version control.

3. Techniques for managing field creation across different environments.

Additionally, after discovering the testing repository from SugarCRM Developers, we're interested in learning about any other valuable documentation or information related to Git workflows in SugarCRM development.

Thank you in advance for any information or resources you can provide.

Best regards,

  • Hi  ,

    according to your 3rd point, when we manage multiple environnements, we rather create field though a basic vardef definition in custom/Extension/<module>/Ext/Vardefs/sugarfield_<fieldname>.php with only the field definition (name, type, label etc.) and then the repair will create the field into the Sugar model.

    So you only have to create several snippet in your dev tool to easily create the basic structure for each type of field.

    Then you can update the field from the studio and all the additionnal properties will be in the file, not in the field meta data table

    Going that way

    • no custom table with a 1-1 link
    • no possibility to delete the field from the studio
    • easy to deploy with git : the file contains all the field definition

    Hope it helps


  • Hi  ,

    according to your 3rd point, when we manage multiple environnements, we rather create field though a basic vardef definition in custom/Extension/<module>/Ext/Vardefs/sugarfield_<fieldname>.php with only the field definition (name, type, label etc.) and then the repair will create the field into the Sugar model.

    So you only have to create several snippet in your dev tool to easily create the basic structure for each type of field.

    Then you can update the field from the studio and all the additionnal properties will be in the file, not in the field meta data table

    Going that way

    • no custom table with a 1-1 link
    • no possibility to delete the field from the studio
    • easy to deploy with git : the file contains all the field definition

    Hope it helps

