Parser Extract Patterns - Extract relevant information available in a text / html field to populate dedicated metadata fields


I want to know if someone knows a plugin which offer the possibility to define Patterns that should be use to extract data and feed dedicated fields.

For instance, when a case is created from an inbound email, check some keywords or patterns to extract the customer id, licence number, price etc.

Or maybe someone of you develop this (including the settings interface to create the patterns) ?


  • I have a logic hook, after relationship add and one after save, on the Emails module, to parse email related to cases.

    I put the one-time case updates in the after-save: This triggers the first time the Email/Case is created. It checks the parent_type and if it's "Cases"  and sets some defaults including our custom department_c which which is based on the Primary Team assigned to the inbound email definition (what I like to call the "case queue"); it parses (regex) the email to find License Numbers and other relevant keywords and sets drop-downs/text fields on the Case. Checking that department_c is null is what makes sure that this hook doesn't call itself ad-infinitum once department is set that's it, I don't touch it again.

    The after relationship create handles updates triggered by communications on existing Cases: things like notifying entire teams that there is new correspondence on a case that is tagged as an Enterprise customer.

    This has worked well, untouched Fingers crossed since v6. I am sure there are improvements I could make after 14 years, but I'm not in a hurry to add reviewing this to my to-do-list. Laughing


  • I have a logic hook, after relationship add and one after save, on the Emails module, to parse email related to cases.

    I put the one-time case updates in the after-save: This triggers the first time the Email/Case is created. It checks the parent_type and if it's "Cases"  and sets some defaults including our custom department_c which which is based on the Primary Team assigned to the inbound email definition (what I like to call the "case queue"); it parses (regex) the email to find License Numbers and other relevant keywords and sets drop-downs/text fields on the Case. Checking that department_c is null is what makes sure that this hook doesn't call itself ad-infinitum once department is set that's it, I don't touch it again.

    The after relationship create handles updates triggered by communications on existing Cases: things like notifying entire teams that there is new correspondence on a case that is tagged as an Enterprise customer.

    This has worked well, untouched Fingers crossed since v6. I am sure there are improvements I could make after 14 years, but I'm not in a hurry to add reviewing this to my to-do-list. Laughing

