Reports: Account Name in Contracts Module

Hello! I am trying to build a report and I need the account name field from my contracts module. I see in other reports (not built by me) that getting the account name was possible by doing Contracts -> Account Name -> Name. However, in the related modules "account name" does not exist. 

This is what I'm trying to replicate: 

This is what my related modules looks like: 

Any ideas?

  • Hi Brittany,

    Vincent's response is how we would normally get that info on the reports. What's the result on the report when doing it this way?

    Using "Contracts > Related module (Accounts) > Name (re-named to Account Name)" as a report column, here's what i got >. a clickable link to the account record.

    Kindly also consider the 'Optional Related Modules' option in reports



  • Hi Brittany,

    Vincent's response is how we would normally get that info on the reports. What's the result on the report when doing it this way?

    Using "Contracts > Related module (Accounts) > Name (re-named to Account Name)" as a report column, here's what i got >. a clickable link to the account record.

    Kindly also consider the 'Optional Related Modules' option in reports



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