How to retrieve any module fields in a dropdown in sugarcrm?


I want to get all fields of a module in a dropdown according to the modules like the Configure button in the ActionButton fields.

After clicking the configure button the drawer will open and in that

Does anyone have an idea about that for the normal module?

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  • Good point, in the few places where I use query based dropdowns I do not save the values in the same field, I use the dropdown to populate a text field.

    The reason you are not seeing the values in the front end, even though they exist in the back end, is that the Language files do not have the label=>value translation. Sugar, by default, will display nothing if the value stored in an enum or multi-enum field is not in the corresponding dropdown definition.

    Unfortunately, I did not consider this when responding to your post. I apologize for that.

    My first instinct is that you will need to work with the mulitenum field definition and find a way to dynamically populate the dropdown definition.

     ,  how would you tackle this problem?
    Did I set   in the wrong direction?