Doc Merge PHP Warning: Undefined array key "flowData" in /sugar/modules/DocumentMerges/clients/base/api/DocumentMergeApi.php on line 127

Anyone help Please? I am working on a Doc Merge and it doesn't seem to be working. I keep getting 2 PHP warnings and the Doc Merge freezes.

[12-Oct-2023 09:45:29 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "flowData" in /sugar/modules/DocumentMerges/clients/base/api/DocumentMergeApi.php on line 127
[12-Oct-2023 09:45:29 America/Chicago] PHP Stack trace:
[12-Oct-2023 09:45:29 America/Chicago] PHP   1. {main}() /sugar/api/rest.php:0
[12-Oct-2023 09:45:29 America/Chicago] PHP   2. RestService->execute() /sugar/api/rest.php:23
[12-Oct-2023 09:45:29 America/Chicago] PHP   3. DocumentMergeApi->merge($api = class RestService { public $user = class User { public $db = class MysqliManager { ... }; public $id = 'a774d1da-9f82-4ef7-b75f-7f310ef86eef'; public $new_with_id = FALSE; public $disable_row_level_security = TRUE; public $retrieve_erased_fields = FALSE; public $erased_fields = NULL; protected $visibility = class BeanVisibility { ... }; protected $max_logic_depth = 10; public $disable_vardefs = FALSE; public $new_assigned_user_name = NULL; public $processed_dates_times = [...]; public $process_save_dates = TRUE; public $save_from_post = TRUE; public $duplicates_found = FALSE; public $deleted = 0; public $dataChanges = NULL; public $update_date_modified = TRUE; public $update_modified_by = TRUE; public $update_date_entered = FALSE; public $set_created_by = TRUE; public $team_set_id = '1'; public $acl_team_set_id = ''; public $table_name = 'users'; public $object_name = 'User'; public $ungreedy_count = FALSE; public $module_dir = 'Users'; public $module_name = 'Users'; public $field_defs = [...]; public $custom_fields = class DynamicField { ... }; public $column_fields = [...]; public $list_fields = [...]; public $additional_column_fields = [...]; public $relationship_fields = [...]; public $current_notify_user = NULL; public $fetched_row = [...]; public $fetched_rel_row = [...]; public $layout_def = NULL; public $force_load_details = FALSE; public $optimistic_lock = FALSE; public $disable_custom_fields = FALSE; public $number_formatting_done = FALSE; public $process_field_encrypted = FALSE; public $my_favorite = FALSE; public $acltype = 'module'; public $vardef_handler = NULL; public $rel_handler = NULL; public $additional_meta_fields = [...]; public $importable = TRUE; public $special_notification = FALSE; public $in_workflow = FALSE; public $tracker_visibility = TRUE; public $listview_inner_join = [...]; public $in_import = FALSE; protected $loaded_relationships = [...]; protected $is_updated_dependent_fields = FALSE; protected $duplicate_check_manager = NULL; protected $module_key = 'encrypt_field'; public $name_format_map = [...]; protected $lockedFields = NULL; public $acl_display_only = FALSE; public $related_beans = [...]; private ${SugarBean}lastPersistedState = [...]; protected $stateChanges = NULL; protected array $fillable = [...]; protected $encfields = [...]; protected $encfield_plain = [...]; public $required_fields = [...]; public $logicHookDepth = [...]; public $rel_fields_before_value = [...]; public $emailData = [...]; protected $request = NULL; protected $htmlFieldTypes = [...]; public $createLocaleFormattedName = TRUE; public $fetchedFtsData = [...]; private ${SugarBean}lastAuditedState = NULL; private ${SugarBean}auditedStateQueue = [...]; private ${SugarBean}subjectsLog = [...]; public $picture = '23821948-5d79-11ee-b635-005056b9f3e1'; public $email_addresses = ''; public $name = 'Robert Thomas'; public $full_name = 'Robert Thomas'; public $user_name = 'rthomas'; public $user_hash = '$2y$10$ua6PicOvqyYMKgOR6gzFcub.Z5s40j6moWRH4oaO.Ef667lz.nb0m'; public $salutation = NULL; public $first_name = 'Robert'; public $last_name = 'Thomas'; public $date_entered = '2023-07-18 17:51:53'; public $date_modified = '2023-09-27 21:02:16'; public $modified_user_id = 'a774d1da-9f82-4ef7-b75f-7f310ef86eef'; public $created_by = '1'; public $created_by_name = 'Administrator'; public $modified_by_name = ''; public $description = ''; public $phone_home = ''; public $phone_mobile = ''; public $phone_work = ''; public $phone_other = ''; public $phone_fax = ''; public $email1 = ''; public $email2 = NULL; public $address_street = ''; public $address_city = ''; public $address_state = ''; public $address_postalcode = ''; public $address_country = 'United States'; public $status = 'Active'; public $title = 'SugarCRM Administrator'; public $portal_only = 0; public $department = 'IT'; public $authenticated = FALSE; public $error_string = NULL; public $is_admin = 1; public $employee_status = 'Active'; public $messenger_id = ''; public $messenger_type = ''; public $is_group = 0; public $accept_status = NULL; public $team_id = '1'; public $sudoer = NULL; public $isIdmUserManager = NULL; public $receive_notifications = 1; public $send_email_on_mention = 0; public $default_team = '1'; public $business_center_name = ''; public $business_center_id = ''; public $reports_to_name = 'John Smith'; public $reports_to_id = '9f9ae7df-d9cc-4e44-9df4-21f206d9ccc4'; public $team_exists = FALSE; ... }; public $platform = 'base'; public $action = 'view'; protected $logger = class Monolog\Logger { protected $name = 'rest'; protected $handlers = [...]; protected $processors = [...]; protected $microsecondTimestamps = TRUE; protected $timezone = class DateTimeZone { ... }; protected $exceptionHandler = NULL; private $logDepth = 0; private $fiberLogDepth = class WeakMap { ... }; private $detectCycles = TRUE }; public $resourceURIBase = NULL; public $dict = class ServiceDictionaryRest { public $cacheDir = 'cache/include/api/'; public $dict = [...]; public $endpointBuffer = NULL }; public $request_headers = ['HOST' => 'sugar-dev.rtpco.local', 'CONNECTION' => 'keep-alive', 'SEC_CH_UA' => '"Microsoft Edge";v="117", "Not;A=Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="117"', 'DNT' => '1', 'OAUTH_TOKEN' => 'b769b771-4a43-426d-b7e2-6b118250392f', 'SEC_CH_UA_MOBILE' => '?0', 'USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/117.0.2045.60', 'ACCEPT' => 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'X_METADATA_HASH' => '0637a5e52ccfbaa339ede1725bd0539e', 'X_REQUESTED_WITH' => 'XMLHttpRequest', 'X_USERPREF_HASH' => '3e6c49f7a33685e5573cc6262bc96d74', 'SEC_CH_UA_PLATFORM' => '"Windows"', 'ORIGIN' => 'https://sugar-dev.rtpco.local', 'SEC_FETCH_SITE' => 'same-origin', 'SEC_FETCH_MODE' => 'cors', 'SEC_FETCH_DEST' => 'empty', 'REFERER' => 'https://sugar-dev.rtpco.local/sugar/', 'ACCEPT_ENCODING' => 'gzip, deflate, br', 'ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'COOKIE' => 'appearance=light; PHPSESSID=01a294f2-6a1a-487e-8c0b-1c7b62f56736; download_token_base=e6dfcc67-7d41-4de5-a1a5-8d006e16acba']; protected $response = class RestResponse { protected $version = '1.1'; protected $code = 200; protected $message = NULL; protected $headers = [...]; protected $body = NULL; protected $type = 0; protected $server_data = [...]; protected $filename = NULL; protected $removeHeaders = [...]; protected $shouldSendBody = TRUE }; protected $min_version = '10'; protected $max_version = '11.21'; public $api_settings = ['minVersion' => '10', 'maxVersion' => '11.21', 'minClientVersions' => [...]]; protected $request = class RestRequest { protected $request_headers = [...]; public $platform = 'base'; public $server = [...]; public $request = [...]; public $rawPath = 'v11_21/DocumentMerge/merge'; protected $requestedResponseType = NULL; protected $urlVersion = 'v11_21'; protected $headerVersion = NULL; protected $version = '11.21'; public $path = [...]; public $method = 'POST'; public $route = [...]; public $args = [...]; protected $postContents = '{"mergeType":"merge","useRevision":true,"templateName":"Test","templateId":"db3720ac-690d-11ee-9f9f-005056b9f3e1","recordId":"e6a0f80e-679c-11ee-868c-005056b9f3e1","recordModule":"RTPOL_OLP"}' }; protected $accessAllowedMethodsForUsersModuleApi = [0 => 'retrieveRecord', 1 => 'createRecord', 2 => 'updateRecord', 3 => 'deleteRecord', 4 => 'filterList']; public $special_headers = [0 => 'X_TIMESTAMP'] }, $args = ['mergeType' => 'merge', 'useRevision' => TRUE, 'templateName' => 'Test', 'templateId' => 'db3720ac-690d-11ee-9f9f-005056b9f3e1', 'recordId' => 'e6a0f80e-679c-11ee-868c-005056b9f3e1', 'recordModule' => 'RTPOL_OLP', '__sugar_url' => 'v11_21/DocumentMerge/merge']) /sugar/include/api/RestService.php:315
[12-Oct-2023 09:45:29 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "selectedRecords" in /sugar/modules/DocumentMerges/clients/base/api/DocumentMergeApi.php on line 279
[12-Oct-2023 09:45:29 America/Chicago] PHP Stack trace:
[12-Oct-2023 09:45:29 America/Chicago] PHP   1. {main}() /sugar/api/rest.php:0
[12-Oct-2023 09:45:29 America/Chicago] PHP   2. RestService->execute() /sugar/api/rest.php:23
[12-Oct-2023 09:45:29 America/Chicago] PHP   3. DocumentMergeApi->merge($api = class RestService { public $user = class User { public $db = class MysqliManager { ... }; public $id = 'a774d1da-9f82-4ef7-b75f-7f310ef86eef'; public $new_with_id = FALSE; public $disable_row_level_security = TRUE; public $retrieve_erased_fields = FALSE; public $erased_fields = NULL; protected $visibility = class BeanVisibility { ... }; protected $max_logic_depth = 10; public $disable_vardefs = FALSE; public $new_assigned_user_name = NULL; public $processed_dates_times = [...]; public $process_save_dates = TRUE; public $save_from_post = TRUE; public $duplicates_found = FALSE; public $deleted = 0; public $dataChanges = NULL; public $update_date_modified = TRUE; public $update_modified_by = TRUE; public $update_date_entered = FALSE; public $set_created_by = TRUE; public $team_set_id = '1'; public $acl_team_set_id = ''; public $table_name = 'users'; public $object_name = 'User'; public $ungreedy_count = FALSE; public $module_dir = 'Users'; public $module_name = 'Users'; public $field_defs = [...]; public $custom_fields = class DynamicField { ... }; public $column_fields = [...]; public $list_fields = [...]; public $additional_column_fields = [...]; public $relationship_fields = [...]; public $current_notify_user = NULL; public $fetched_row = [...]; public $fetched_rel_row = [...]; public $layout_def = NULL; public $force_load_details = FALSE; public $optimistic_lock = FALSE; public $disable_custom_fields = FALSE; public $number_formatting_done = FALSE; public $process_field_encrypted = FALSE; public $my_favorite = FALSE; public $acltype = 'module'; public $vardef_handler = NULL; public $rel_handler = NULL; public $additional_meta_fields = [...]; public $importable = TRUE; public $special_notification = FALSE; public $in_workflow = FALSE; public $tracker_visibility = TRUE; public $listview_inner_join = [...]; public $in_import = FALSE; protected $loaded_relationships = [...]; protected $is_updated_dependent_fields = FALSE; protected $duplicate_check_manager = NULL; protected $module_key = 'encrypt_field'; public $name_format_map = [...]; protected $lockedFields = NULL; public $acl_display_only = FALSE; public $related_beans = [...]; private ${SugarBean}lastPersistedState = [...]; protected $stateChanges = NULL; protected array $fillable = [...]; protected $encfields = [...]; protected $encfield_plain = [...]; public $required_fields = [...]; public $logicHookDepth = [...]; public $rel_fields_before_value = [...]; public $emailData = [...]; protected $request = NULL; protected $htmlFieldTypes = [...]; public $createLocaleFormattedName = TRUE; public $fetchedFtsData = [...]; private ${SugarBean}lastAuditedState = NULL; private ${SugarBean}auditedStateQueue = [...]; private ${SugarBean}subjectsLog = [...]; public $picture = '23821948-5d79-11ee-b635-005056b9f3e1'; public $email_addresses = ''; public $name = 'Robert Thomas'; public $full_name = 'Robert Thomas'; public $user_name = 'rthomas'; public $user_hash = '$2y$10$ua6PicOvqyYMKgOR6gzFcub.Z5s40j6moWRH4oaO.Ef667lz.nb0m'; public $salutation = NULL; public $first_name = 'Robert'; public $last_name = 'Thomas'; public $date_entered = '2023-07-18 17:51:53'; public $date_modified = '2023-09-27 21:02:16'; public $modified_user_id = 'a774d1da-9f82-4ef7-b75f-7f310ef86eef'; public $created_by = '1'; public $created_by_name = 'Administrator'; public $modified_by_name = ''; public $description = ''; public $phone_home = ''; public $phone_mobile = ''; public $phone_work = ''; public $phone_other = ''; public $phone_fax = ''; public $email1 = ''; public $email2 = NULL; public $address_street = ''; public $address_city = ''; public $address_state = ''; public $address_postalcode = ''; public $address_country = 'United States'; public $status = 'Active'; public $title = 'SugarCRM Administrator'; public $portal_only = 0; public $department = 'IT'; public $authenticated = FALSE; public $error_string = NULL; public $is_admin = 1; public $employee_status = 'Active'; public $messenger_id = ''; public $messenger_type = ''; public $is_group = 0; public $accept_status = NULL; public $team_id = '1'; public $sudoer = NULL; public $isIdmUserManager = NULL; public $receive_notifications = 1; public $send_email_on_mention = 0; public $default_team = '1'; public $business_center_name = ''; public $business_center_id = ''; public $reports_to_name = 'John Smith'; public $reports_to_id = '9f9ae7df-d9cc-4e44-9df4-21f206d9ccc4'; public $team_exists = FALSE; ... }; public $platform = 'base'; public $action = 'view'; protected $logger = class Monolog\Logger { protected $name = 'rest'; protected $handlers = [...]; protected $processors = [...]; protected $microsecondTimestamps = TRUE; protected $timezone = class DateTimeZone { ... }; protected $exceptionHandler = NULL; private $logDepth = 0; private $fiberLogDepth = class WeakMap { ... }; private $detectCycles = TRUE }; public $resourceURIBase = NULL; public $dict = class ServiceDictionaryRest { public $cacheDir = 'cache/include/api/'; public $dict = [...]; public $endpointBuffer = NULL }; public $request_headers = ['HOST' => 'sugar-dev.rtpco.local', 'CONNECTION' => 'keep-alive', 'SEC_CH_UA' => '"Microsoft Edge";v="117", "Not;A=Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="117"', 'DNT' => '1', 'OAUTH_TOKEN' => 'b769b771-4a43-426d-b7e2-6b118250392f', 'SEC_CH_UA_MOBILE' => '?0', 'USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/117.0.2045.60', 'ACCEPT' => 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'X_METADATA_HASH' => '0637a5e52ccfbaa339ede1725bd0539e', 'X_REQUESTED_WITH' => 'XMLHttpRequest', 'X_USERPREF_HASH' => '3e6c49f7a33685e5573cc6262bc96d74', 'SEC_CH_UA_PLATFORM' => '"Windows"', 'ORIGIN' => 'https://sugar-dev.rtpco.local', 'SEC_FETCH_SITE' => 'same-origin', 'SEC_FETCH_MODE' => 'cors', 'SEC_FETCH_DEST' => 'empty', 'REFERER' => 'https://sugar-dev.rtpco.local/sugar/', 'ACCEPT_ENCODING' => 'gzip, deflate, br', 'ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'COOKIE' => 'appearance=light; PHPSESSID=01a294f2-6a1a-487e-8c0b-1c7b62f56736; download_token_base=e6dfcc67-7d41-4de5-a1a5-8d006e16acba']; protected $response = class RestResponse { protected $version = '1.1'; protected $code = 200; protected $message = NULL; protected $headers = [...]; protected $body = NULL; protected $type = 0; protected $server_data = [...]; protected $filename = NULL; protected $removeHeaders = [...]; protected $shouldSendBody = TRUE }; protected $min_version = '10'; protected $max_version = '11.21'; public $api_settings = ['minVersion' => '10', 'maxVersion' => '11.21', 'minClientVersions' => [...]]; protected $request = class RestRequest { protected $request_headers = [...]; public $platform = 'base'; public $server = [...]; public $request = [...]; public $rawPath = 'v11_21/DocumentMerge/merge'; protected $requestedResponseType = NULL; protected $urlVersion = 'v11_21'; protected $headerVersion = NULL; protected $version = '11.21'; public $path = [...]; public $method = 'POST'; public $route = [...]; public $args = [...]; protected $postContents = '{"mergeType":"merge","useRevision":true,"templateName":"Test","templateId":"db3720ac-690d-11ee-9f9f-005056b9f3e1","recordId":"e6a0f80e-679c-11ee-868c-005056b9f3e1","recordModule":"RTPOL_OLP"}' }; protected $accessAllowedMethodsForUsersModuleApi = [0 => 'retrieveRecord', 1 => 'createRecord', 2 => 'updateRecord', 3 => 'deleteRecord', 4 => 'filterList']; public $special_headers = [0 => 'X_TIMESTAMP'] }, $args = ['mergeType' => 'merge', 'useRevision' => TRUE, 'templateName' => 'Test', 'templateId' => 'db3720ac-690d-11ee-9f9f-005056b9f3e1', 'recordId' => 'e6a0f80e-679c-11ee-868c-005056b9f3e1', 'recordModule' => 'RTPOL_OLP', '__sugar_url' => 'v11_21/DocumentMerge/merge']) /sugar/include/api/RestService.php:315
[12-Oct-2023 09:45:29 America/Chicago] PHP   4. DocumentMergeApi->createMergeRequest($data = ['mergeType' => 'merge', 'useRevision' => TRUE, 'templateName' => 'Test', 'templateId' => 'db3720ac-690d-11ee-9f9f-005056b9f3e1', 'recordId' => 'e6a0f80e-679c-11ee-868c-005056b9f3e1', 'recordModule' => 'RTPOL_OLP', 'parentId' => NULL, 'parentModule' => NULL, 'maxRelate' => 20, 'modelIds' => []], $flowData = NULL) /sugar/modules/DocumentMerges/clients/base/api/DocumentMergeApi.php:128

Here is my testing template.

{!date format='MM-DD-YYYY'}  
  To:	{}                                      
         	Attn:  {}
        	{accounts_rtpol_olp_1_name.billing_address_city}, {accounts_rtpol_olp_1_name.billing_address_state}   {accounts_rtpol_olp_1_name.billing_address_postalcode}
We are pleased to quote the following material:


Parents Reply Children
No Data