Action button - configure - dependent on dropdown = no or blank

Hi all

Hoping this is a simple one for the experts!

My aim is to have an Action button appear if the dropdown = No or blank

I have tried a number of different variations, (blank, null, space) but cannot make the button appear 

this is a new dropdown so 99% of the records will have blank

I have tried using the "or" function but I get syntax errors (this is likely how I am writing the forumla)

Parents Reply
  • Hi Taufique,

    You have mentioned that (this is a new dropdown so 99% of the records will have blank) - blank or empty is not equal to No, that is the reason this formula equal($pr_informal_extension_c, "No") did not work for the records which are having as empty. You have used the same formula with opposite conditions. In your latest formula, you are saying not equal to Yes which includes both Null, Empty, and No values. This is the reason it worked.

    Hope this information helps :)

    Thanks and Regards,

