How can I activate Sugar Automate (Customer Journey) for the Mobile app?

Hello fellow developers!

Today morning I was looking the content in the SugarCRM youtube channel, and found this video:

Here we can see that there is a way to open Sugar Automate (Customer Journey) as a tab in the Mobile app:

This is something I have seen as a first time. 

Anyone know if this is into the administration of Sugar or is it a development? 
Have been looking for awhile into the documentation but couldnt find an answer.

Thank you so mucho in advance for the attention. 

Angel Ruiz

  • Hi ,

    I can't find a way to achieve this in Sugar 13. I thought it might be possible with tabbed layouts since you can configure Smart Guides to show as tab on the record view. I changed the standard record view and the mobile detail view for the Accounts module in Studio to tabbed layouts and I also changed the Smart Guides to show as the last tab for the Accounts module. The change was reflected in the desktop version, but the mobile version did not look any different. While Studio allows you to change the mobile layouts between 'panel' and 'tab', it doesn't appear to support anything other than a single panel since there are no options to add additional panels like you see with the record view.

    The screenshot you show was back when the product was still named Customer Journey, so perhaps this was possible through configuration when it was a standalone product.


  • Hi Chris, 

    Thank you for your insights into this. I runned the same tests you did having the same results, so maybe it was an option earlier in Sugar as you say. 

    I still have faith that somebody have the simple answer on how to do it.

    You are always so attentive in the forum Chris, I appreciate it. 

    Angel Ruiz

  • Hi Angel and Chris, I'm sorry to say that video is a bit misleading! It is showing the wMobile product, not Sugar's mobile app. We've informed the video team so they can either update it or remove it to avoid future confusion.

    Sugar Automate is not currently available in the mobile app. It is under consideration for future release though, so stay tuned for that!

    Sorry again for any confusion caused by this.


  • The video was unlisted on YouTube. The link above that shared will still work, but it cannot be searched anymore. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Angel!

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