Adding Custom Module to Flex Relate Field

Hi All,

I just created a custom module and would like to include sub-panels for Notes, Calls, and Meetings. I don't like using the standard One To Many relationship because I don't want the relating field on the Notes, Calls, and Meetings records.

Ideally, I would like for the custom module to appear as an option in the Flex Relate dropdown on the Notes, Calls, and Meetings modules while at the same time having a sub-panel for each of those modules on the custom module records. However, I can't find a way to add the custom module as an option in the flex-relate dropdown. I have a feeling that may be a hard-coded feature that only includes out-of-the-box modules, but thought it was worth asking here.

Thanks in advance for your help!

  • EDIT: Forget this one, go with 's solution below! Smile


    You can edit the "parent_type_display" dropdown, put the module name as the Database Value and spell it out in the Label.

    So for example to add my custom Vendors module to the flex field:

    DB value => Display Value

    wrixx_Vendors => Vendors

    And you should be able to use that custom module in any of the flex relate fields in your system.

    Note that unfortunately you have to play additional tricks to remove modules from specific flex relates, so if you want it to appear in Notes but not Calls - for example - you'll have to use some code to control that.


  • EDIT: Forget this one, go with 's solution below! Smile


    You can edit the "parent_type_display" dropdown, put the module name as the Database Value and spell it out in the Label.

    So for example to add my custom Vendors module to the flex field:

    DB value => Display Value

    wrixx_Vendors => Vendors

    And you should be able to use that custom module in any of the flex relate fields in your system.

    Note that unfortunately you have to play additional tricks to remove modules from specific flex relates, so if you want it to appear in Notes but not Calls - for example - you'll have to use some code to control that.


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