Outlook plugin and SAML for On Premise Instance


We are facing a problem related to the Outlook Plugin for On Premise Instance : as far as I understand, the plugin is not compliant with SAML authentication because it requires Sugar Identity (Cloud Only).

I don't know if one of you already find a solution to solve that ? Is there a way to "re-route" the query ? Or maybe there is a way to use Sugar Identity out of Sugar CLoud ? 

Any idea is welcome.


Parents Reply Children
  • We copied clients/base/views/login/login.hbs into custom/clients/base/views/login/login.hbs and updated the <p> above the login_form_button to hide the paragraph.

    <p class="wide" style="display: none;">
    <a class="btn btn-link btn-invisible" name="login_form_button" title="{{str "LBL_LOGIN_FORM_LABEL"}}">{{str "LBL_LOGIN_FORM_LABEL"}}</a>

    <div class="welcome">
        <div class="thumbnail login">
            <div class="tcenter">
                <h2 class="brand"><img src="{{logoUrl}}" alt="SugarCRM"></h2>
            <form name='{{name}}' class="tcenter">
            {{#if externalLoginForm}}
                <p> </p>
                <p class="wide">
                    <a class="btn btn-block btn-primary {{#unless externalLoginUrl}}disabled{{/unless}}" name="external_login_button" title="{{str "LBL_LOGIN_BUTTON_LABEL"}}">{{str "LBL_LOGIN_BUTTON_LABEL"}}</a>
                <p class="wide" style="display: none;">
                    <a class="btn btn-link btn-invisible" name="login_form_button" title="{{str "LBL_LOGIN_FORM_LABEL"}}">{{str "LBL_LOGIN_FORM_LABEL"}}</a>
                {{#each meta.panels}}
                    {{#each fields}}
                    <div class="control-group">{{field ../../this model=../../model}}</div>
                    <p class="help-block">
                        {{#if ../showPasswordReset}}
                            <a href="#forgotpassword" class="btn btn-link btn-invisible">{{str "LBL_LOGIN_FORGOT_PASSWORD"}}</a>
                <div class="login-footer">
                    {{#each meta.buttons}}
                    {{field ../this model=../model}}