Strange behavior on RollupConditinalSum function on Opportunities

Hi there,

I'm facing a strange behavior on the opportunities and RLI's.

We have the following sugar logic on a currency field on the Opportinities : 


The sugarlogic is triggered only when I update an already created RLI, not when creating.

Is there anything I'm missing ? Can you help me please ?

Thanks a lot and best regards,


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Andre,

    We're running on Sugar 12.0.0 ENT.

    The fact is that when I create a second RLI, the amount is updated with the firstly created RLI, the third calculates the amount with the two first, etc .... 

    The config value disable_related_calc_fields is set to false.

    'disable_related_calc_fields' => false,

    Is there anyhting else I can do? 

    The RLI creation is mandatory when creating an opportunity.

    When updating the opp or the RLI afterwards, the amount is calculated ...