How to include basic "indent characters" in Sugar description and see the text correctly indented on record view (without having to edit it) ?


I have a small issue and there is probably a trick but I don't get it.

I want to fill a basic description field (textarea) with some text, including indentation character (\t or mulitples spaces) to display the text in a proper way.

Unfortunatelly, the formating characters are removed from the view (but are still there because the text is correctly indented when I edit it).

any Idea?

  • Hi Frédéric,

    When Sugar renders the detail view template, I believe they only convert new lines (\n) to breaks (<br>) for display. In order to get it to respect tabs and multiple spaces, you'd likely have to customize the textarea field to convert them to html characters.

  • Hi ,

    that was what I was hoping to avoid :-(.

    But this also confirm that I am not totally dumb so it is only half a bad news.

    Thanks for your feedback.


  • Hi Frédéric,

    I might have some good news! I spent some time doing a quick proof of concept and have some steps and an example download for you.

    Here's the general idea of what a developer would need to do:

    To accomplish our desired formatting, we will first need to create a custom helper function for the handlebar templates.


     * Custom Handlebar helpers.
     * These functions are used in handlebars templates.
     * @class Handlebars.helpers
     * @singleton
     (function(app) {"app:init", function() {
             * convert text to HTML for formatting
            Handlebars.registerHelper("customTextToHTML", function (text)
                text = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(text);
                text = text.replace(/([^>\r\n]?)(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '$1' + '<br>');
                text = text.replace(/(\t)/g, '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;');
                text = text.replace(/(\x20)/g, '&nbsp;');
                return new Handlebars.SafeString(text);

    Next, we need to create a JSGrouping to register our new function.


    foreach ($js_groupings as $key => $groupings) {
        $target = current(array_values($groupings));
        if ($target == 'include/javascript/sugar_grp7.min.js') {
            $js_groupings[$key]['custom/JavaScript/CustomHandlebarHelpers.js'] = 'include/javascript/sugar_grp7.min.js';

    Finally, we need to copy ./clients/base/fields/textarea/detail.hbs to custom/clients/base/fields/textarea/detail.hbs and replace all instances of {{nl2br}} with {{customTextToHTML}}


        {{#if value.short}} 
            {{#if collapsed}} 
                {{customTextToHTML value.short}}&hellip; 
                {{customTextToHTML value.long}} 
            <button data-action="toggle" class="btn btn-link btn-invisible toggle-text"> 
                {{#if collapsed}} 
                    {{str 'LBL_TEXTAREA_MORE' module}} 
                    {{str 'LBL_TEXTAREA_LESS' module}} 
            {{customTextToHTML value.long}} 

    Navigate to Admin > Repairs > Quick Repair and Rebuild and you should be good to go!

    You can download the module loadable package from here:

  • Although I think that 's solution is probably a cleaner one, the getDescription function in the textarea field controller is used to clean up the short and the long versions of the text to be displayed in the non-edit-view.

    A quick test shows that adding the space and tab replacements that  has in the custom handlebars helper achieves the goal (I actually did a quick test by temporarily changing the core code - DO NOT DO THIS in any environment as a permanent solution - ALWAYS use the extension framework)

    getDescription: function(description, short) {
       short = !!short; 
       description = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(description);
       description = short ? this.getShortComment(description) : description;
       description = this.insertHtmlLinks(description);
       //replace tabs with nbsp
       description = description.replace(/(\t)/g, '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;');
       //replace spaces with nbsp
       description = description.replace(/(\x20)/g, '&nbsp;');
       return new Handlebars.SafeString(description);

    One would then assume that one could extend the textarea controller in the custom directory to achieve the goal without the need for a custom handlebars helper.


  • Although I think that 's solution is probably a cleaner one, the getDescription function in the textarea field controller is used to clean up the short and the long versions of the text to be displayed in the non-edit-view.

    A quick test shows that adding the space and tab replacements that  has in the custom handlebars helper achieves the goal (I actually did a quick test by temporarily changing the core code - DO NOT DO THIS in any environment as a permanent solution - ALWAYS use the extension framework)

    getDescription: function(description, short) {
       short = !!short; 
       description = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(description);
       description = short ? this.getShortComment(description) : description;
       description = this.insertHtmlLinks(description);
       //replace tabs with nbsp
       description = description.replace(/(\t)/g, '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;');
       //replace spaces with nbsp
       description = description.replace(/(\x20)/g, '&nbsp;');
       return new Handlebars.SafeString(description);

    One would then assume that one could extend the textarea controller in the custom directory to achieve the goal without the need for a custom handlebars helper.


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