Upgrade 11.0.3 -> 12 failed in post rebuild: Invalid favorite_link


currently upgrading an instance from 11.0.3 to 12. On 11.0.3 with PHP: 7.4.3 and Mysql: 5.7.38. Everything seems to work correctly. When we start the upgrade with the silent installer (or ui installer doesn't matter much) we eventually hit the following error: 

Tue, 14 Jun 2022 07:08:46 +0000 [Upgrader] - Verifying audit tables for modules: Leads,Cases,Bugs,ProjectTask,Campaigns,Prospects,Contacts,Accounts,Opportunities,Notes,Calls,Meetings,Tasks,EmailAddresses,Contracts,ProductTemplates,Quotes,Products,RevenueLineItems,ForecastManagerWorksheets,Quotas,BusinessCenters,Shifts,ShiftExceptions,Messages,Purchases,PurchasedLineItems,DataPrivacy,ReportSchedules,Tags,KBContents,KBContentTemplates,Escalations,DocumentTemplates,DocumentMerges,aconf_Configurator,aconf_Import_Match,aconf_Import_Auto_Fill
Tue, 14 Jun 2022 07:08:46 +0000 [Upgrader] - Database repaired
Tue, 14 Jun 2022 07:08:46 +0000 [Upgrader] - Start rebuilding relationships
Tue, 14 Jun 2022 07:09:33 +0000 [Upgrader] - ERROR: Exception: Invalid link favorite_link
Tue, 14 Jun 2022 07:09:33 +0000 [Upgrader] - Finished script 2_Rebuild
Tue, 14 Jun 2022 07:09:33 +0000 [Upgrader] - ERROR: Post-upgrade stage failed! Error executing post scripts

We already tried the following but without any luch: 

- truncate the relationships table in the database (it's not used anymore to my knowledge)

- prior upgrade hit the repair relationships and do a quick repair / rebuild. 

Does anyone else have any idea what the cause could be and most importantly a solution. 

  • I was about to make a thread until I found this one.

    I'm having this same issue:

    I've tried using both the Upgrade Wizard + silent upgrader several times.

    I'm on PHP 7.4 + mySQL 5.7, which are each compatible with both Sugar 11 and 12. I've tried all suggestions in this thread, including running rebuild relationships/QRR before the upgrade, resetting file permissions and retrying upgrade with the -S continue flag (which it just fails instantly at the same spot). Nothing helps.

    The instance loads as a Sugar 12 instance, and everything seems to be functioning as expected after rebuilding config file, except none of the uploads/documents seem to be properly mapped in Sugar:

    They don't seem to be pointing to the file like they should... I'm guessing Sugar 12 changed something with the upload directory structure? And my directory didn't get changed since the upgrade process keeps failing before it's fully complete?

    I tried researching to see what exactly changed with the uploads with Sugar 12 but I cannot find anything. I tested by uploading some new attachments/documents. After looking into the upload directory, it does appear that sugar saves them differently now (within subdirectories with a new naming scheme).

    Anyone have a solution? :(

  • EDIT: made a new thread for this since it's a different issue I'm having now. But I was able to rectify the original "invalid favorite_link" error by redoing the upgrade from scratch from silent upgrader, and when I got the invalid favorite_link error, I reset file permissions on full sugar directory and ran silent upgrade again with -S continue flag. It then completed fully. 

  • Hi , I encounter same error, would you mind to share your solution on this matter?

  • Hi Clinton,

    On my side I faced this issue yesterday, I only change the owner of all the files and run the upgrade command with the stage -S continue.

    Hope this would help you.

    Thanks to for the solution :-)

    Best regards,


  • Hi , I tried to use the command -S continue but this is what happened.

    It's very quick after running the command; it will say Step "cleanup" OK in 0 seconds, then after that the Success message will appear, but the CRM will keep loading and inaccessible.

    Here`s my command:

    php CliUpgrader.php -z /home/vagrant/upgradefiles/SugarEnt-Upgrade-11.0.3-to-12.0.0.zip -l ./silentUpgrade.log -s /vagrant/sugarCRM -u admin -S continue

    Before I perform the upgrade from 11.0.3 to 12.0.0 I upgraded my php version from 7.3 to 7.4 and elasticsearch from 6.8.6 to 7.16.3 base on the supported platform provided by the sugar.

  • Hi , I tried to upgrade this on php7.3 and elasticsearch6.8.6 its working and I did not encounter any error. But base on the Upgrade Prerequisites I need to update the platform components before I perform the upgrading.

    I`m a little bit confuse on this matter.

  • Hello ,

    this is the path from 11.0.5 Professional to v13 that I mapped out for myself. Maybe it helps?

    The compatibility matrix looks like:

     **  My Sugar Pro 11.05 Sugar Ent 11 Sugar Ent 12 Sugar Ent 13
    Version 11.0.5 Pro 11.0.5 12.0.3 13.0
    PHP 7.3.18 7.3, 7.4 7.4, 8.0 8.0, 8.2
    MySQL 8.0.26 5.7, 8.0 5.7, 8.0 5.7, 8.0.32
    Elastic ? 7.16.1 7.16.3 8.4.3

    So the upgrade process for me will be:

    • Sugar Conversion to Ent 11
    • Upgrade PHP to v7.4 <----- Sysadmin
    • Upgrade to Elastic Search 7.16.3 if needed <---- Sysadmin
    • Upgrade Sugar to v12
    • Upgrade PHP to v8.0 <----- Sysadmin
    • Upgrade to MySQL 8.0.32 <----- DBA
    • Upgrade to Elastic Search 8.4.3 <---- Sysadmin
    • Upgrade Sugar to v13

    Does this help?


  • Hi So you mean before I perform the Upgrade process from 10.0.3 to 11.0.6, I need to upgrade the php version from 7.3 to 7.4 and Elasticsearch from 6.8.6 to 7.16.1 then before I upgrade to 12 I need to upgrade the php version from 7.4 to 8.0 and elasticsearch to 7.16.3?

    Because I tried to upgrade from 10.0.3 to 12.0.0 without upgrading the php version of the php and elasticsearch and I was able to upgrade it to v12.0.0 with no errors at all. But when I followed the supported platform required version of the componets I encounter an error.

    Can you confirm below if my upgrade process if correct:

    SugarCRM Ent 10.0.3 to 10.0.6 and 10.0.6 to 11.0.3
    Php 7.3.13
    Elasticsearch 6.8.6
    Apache 2.4.18
    MySql 5.7.28

    SugarCRM Ent 11.0.3 to 12.0.0
    Php 7.4.33
    Elasticsearch 7.16.3
    Apache 2.4.6
    MySql 5.7.41

  • The Supported platforms as far back as v11 are here:


    I can't see the supported platforms for v10 on that page anymore but the pattern says that 7.3 is the PHP version and 5.7 the MySQL version in common between v10 and v11.

    As a basic rule, you need to be on the latest Sugar subversion before you move to the next version, and you need to be on the overlapping version for MySQL and PHP.

    So I believe your process will be:

    PHP 7.3 and MySQL 5.7 (in common between v10 and v11)
    Upgrade from 10.0.6 to 11.0.3 

    Upgrade to 11.0.6 

    PHP 7.4 and either Mysql 5.7 or Mysql 8 (in common between v11 and v12)
    Upgrade from 11.0.6 to 12.0.3  

    MySQL 8.0.32 , PHP 8.0  (in common between v12 and v13)
    Upgrade 12.0.3 to 13.0.0

    Make sure to check the Release Notes for each version to see what changes. v12 and v13 have a number of changes.

    Hope this helps.
    Please note that I am not an expert, this is just what I would do on my servers.

    I don't really know what risks you are running by upgrading on unsupported platforms, but there is a chance that errors can happen.


  • Hi , will follow this. Anyway thank you so much for your help.

