I get Warnings injected into my JSON regularly

These are my php.ini settings

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_WARNING

I have checked it a thousand times.  But occasionally I wil get a page that errors out and when I look at the JSON i see things like

<b>Warning</b>: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Unexpected end tag : h2 in Entity, line: 1 occurred in <b>/var/www/sugarcrm/custom/modules/KBContents/logic_hooks/kb_bs_hook.php</b> on line 17 [2021-12-15 20:55:55]

I can easily fix this but does anyone have any idea why I would be seeing them at all.  They should be filtered out at the ini level.

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