Trigger Event for PUT request method in weblogichooks

what is trigger event for put request method. for example for get after_retrieve, for post after_save  and for delete after_delete is there.


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  • Francesca,

    Whilst you are entirely correct in your explanation of the various places that the "trigger" events are found, I think that there might be an update you are not aware of.

    I am not sure in which release it was actioned but now I believe the "fetched_row" array exists for both before_save and after_save hooks. I am certainly making use of it in recent developments (and I just tested it on a local install). As far as I can see this change was not documented, it just "appeared".

    I would guess this is a response to the old issue of not having access to work out in the after_save whether it was a new record or not. Slightly moot as the recent updates also provide the flags in the $arguments parameter for this.

    The "fetched_row" will also exist for a new bean (both before and after save) but the items in it will be empty if the bean is new. Which of course is functionally the same as it not existing Slight smile

