Creating a simple Business Rule to copy one field into another field

I'm attempting to work around the use of an "auto-increment" field value in a PDF Template after I discovered a bug in release 11.0:

Portal URL:
Description: AutoIncrement Field Not Available for PDF

My thought is to create a text field, and copy the value of the "auto-increment Number" and use that field in the PDF.  Since BPM doesn't have a "copy" function, I thought maybe a business rule would do the trick.

My attempt at creating the rule was to trigger the rule if the auto-increment number isn't "9999" but I can't figure out how to get the rule to place the number in a "number copy" field.

It's probably something basic, so I'd appreciate some help without flames coming my way.  Thanks.


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  • Yes, I'm sure it's simple but I'm struggling with the rule set-up...  I have a Process identical to your image.

    I started with the condition that the autoincrement field isn't "9999" but I'm not sure what the "return" should be...

    I have other rules where I return drop-down values or insert text...  What does the "return side" look like in you

    Thanks for being gentle with me - I don't have a lot of experience with Business Rules

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)