Custom Visibility Code

Hi Everyone,

Does anyone know if it's possible to have custom visibility code that will show a module results in the sub panels under a record but not allow the user to open that result or view the result in a report unless that have access to the team associated with the result? Hopefully the example below makes sense.


Organization #1:
Opportunity 1 - Blue Team
Opportunity 2 - Red Team

In the example above, I would want to open up organization #1 and see both opportunities below it. However if I am only on Red team then I should not be able to open up Opportunity 1 as it is assigned to Blue team or see it in a report.

Thanks in advance!

  • hi Dan,

    Could you clarify the business purpose by describing the use case from the business perspective? That might help with the  implementation options

    Do you need, e.g. Blue team members to be aware of the Opp managed by the Red team so that not compete with the Red team for the same Customer?

    What info specifically should help Blue team to decide not to create the Opp? E. G. product name/product category, some specific Opp contact involved, else?

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • hi Dan,

    Could you clarify the business purpose by describing the use case from the business perspective? That might help with the  implementation options

    Do you need, e.g. Blue team members to be aware of the Opp managed by the Red team so that not compete with the Red team for the same Customer?

    What info specifically should help Blue team to decide not to create the Opp? E. G. product name/product category, some specific Opp contact involved, else?

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • Hi Dmytro,

    Basically exactly what you said. We need all teams to see that their are opportunities under an organization, but not allow them to click into the record if they are not part of the opportunities team (we should not be competing against the teams). Technically we could hide a few fields within the opportunity from unrelated teams, but it is my understand that if someone ran a report then the hidden fields would show on that given report.