Quote line item description from producttemplate change


for a customer we have a requirement that based on a dropdown field in the quote we retrieve a specific product template description field. We have a description field per language. So in this case when we have the quote set to 'Fr' and we select product A it should use the value of description_fra from the product template in the quote line iten. If we create a quote with language set to 'EN' it should read description_en etc. 

In the past I copied the modules/Quotes/clients/base/layouts/quote-data-list-groups/QuoteDataListGroupsLayout.js to the custom directory and made a change in there that would do this. Since in sugar 11 a change was made in this file this causes issues. I tried to extend the original file like 


 extendsFrom: 'QuoteDataListGroupsLayout',

initialise: function(options){


 console.log('custom initialise function')



but this results in a non functional quote line item functionality. Did someone already look in how to extend that functionality in the past?

  • We implemented exactly that request for a couple of customers.

    Step 1: Create same dropdown field in QLI;

    Step 2: Copy that dropdown field from Quotes to QLI via QuoteDataGroupListView.onAddNewItemToGroup for new QLIs and QuoteDataGroupLayout.bindDataChange for existing QLIs.

    Step 3: Create a sugarLogic formula in the target description field in QLI GRID which fetch appropriate field from Template based on sync dropdown field.


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • We implemented exactly that request for a couple of customers.

    Step 1: Create same dropdown field in QLI;

    Step 2: Copy that dropdown field from Quotes to QLI via QuoteDataGroupListView.onAddNewItemToGroup for new QLIs and QuoteDataGroupLayout.bindDataChange for existing QLIs.

    Step 3: Create a sugarLogic formula in the target description field in QLI GRID which fetch appropriate field from Template based on sync dropdown field.


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada