How to create a custom PDF of a record view data

Hello everyone,

I want to generate a custom PDF in record view. And want to add button for pdf in Edit button dropdown as par below image. 

Want to show record view data in PDF as table format.

Parents Reply
  • Ho, sorry

    I've been off the community for a couple of days.

    I have conditional PDFs that are composed using multiple templates depending on various conditions on the record and related records... I can share more but it will take a bit to write it all up in a non-specific and comprehensible manner...

    Having said that, if the header/footer are the same, you could have a simple If statement in your pdf.
    You build One document, call it "Communication PDF", and include it in the Edit menu, and then you "build" the document based on your record's values.

    For example the body of your PDF could be something like:

    {if ($fields.category == 'VetCheck')}
    this is the text that will print in the PDF
    this is the text for all other categories
    This is whatever the two have in common... 

    For dropdowns, be sure to use the database values in your smarty, not the labels.

    I hope this works out for you, and again, my apologies on the delayed response.

