How do you add a ValidationTask

There are instructions on how to add a ValidationTask to a Record and Create view. However, users are not accessing the Record/Create view, and instead, they are changing the value in a Subpanel, ListView, and MassUpdate. How do you attach the validation tasks to the other views?

  • We suggest configuring validations of any complexity with the Logic Builder cloud tool (

    For example, here is a simple validation design - for Account type Customer the Office Phone number should be provided

    You may easily read it by following the white line:

    In a click, Logic Builder provides a zip file for this validation criterion design, so that validation could be deployed to Sugar via regular Module Loader installation

    Here is how configured validation works

    1. For the Record View

    2. For the List View

    3. For the Subpanel

    In regards to the Mass update - this operation does not provide an interface for adjusting data if validation criteria are not met for a particular record, therefore we suggest enabling mass updates only for admins - in case of validation rules are effected

    I hope this helps

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • We suggest configuring validations of any complexity with the Logic Builder cloud tool (

    For example, here is a simple validation design - for Account type Customer the Office Phone number should be provided

    You may easily read it by following the white line:

    In a click, Logic Builder provides a zip file for this validation criterion design, so that validation could be deployed to Sugar via regular Module Loader installation

    Here is how configured validation works

    1. For the Record View

    2. For the List View

    3. For the Subpanel

    In regards to the Mass update - this operation does not provide an interface for adjusting data if validation criteria are not met for a particular record, therefore we suggest enabling mass updates only for admins - in case of validation rules are effected

    I hope this helps

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

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