Contract Notification not showing anything or working

Hello Developers,

I'm trying to use sugar's default notification functionality in project. but contract notification is not working

I'm done all configuration and Process Workflow Tasks also active. but still no luck. 

Process Workflow Tasks scheduler is not running after create contract record. 

please correct me if i'm missing something.

  • Hello Juned, 

    Can you clarify how is the notification implemented, is this using Sugar BPMLegacy Workflows, or other options?

    Can you also confirm that a test Email is being sent from Admin > Email Settings?

    Do you have any errors in the sugarcrm.log after the notification was supposed to be sent?

  • Hello Juned, 

    Can you clarify how is the notification implemented, is this using Sugar BPMLegacy Workflows, or other options?

    Can you also confirm that a test Email is being sent from Admin > Email Settings?

    Do you have any errors in the sugarcrm.log after the notification was supposed to be sent?

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