Why is layout showing up correctly in studio, but not when I pull up the record?

I have a module called Course Cost.  When I look in studio the fields are showing up and in the right place, but when I look at the record it is a different format.  Any suggestions as to why that is?

Attached our the packages used to create and format Course Cost.

I am using Sugar 9


  • Hi Amy,

    I believe the changes done have not been deployed. I don't see the record.php file in your package in the modules folder.

    Please set the proper permissions on your Sugar root directory. Then go to the studio and Save & deploy the record view layout as per your requirement. Clear your browser cache and check once how the record view is loading.

    Let me know how it works.:)



  • Hi Amy,

    I believe the changes done have not been deployed. I don't see the record.php file in your package in the modules folder.

    Please set the proper permissions on your Sugar root directory. Then go to the studio and Save & deploy the record view layout as per your requirement. Clear your browser cache and check once how the record view is loading.

    Let me know how it works.:)



  • Thank you for your help.

    The record.js is in FormatLayouts.zip.  When I go to studio the correct fields show up, but when I view the record I am shown hardly any fields.  

    I am already tried to save and deploy during my troubleshooting.

    I have cleared the browser cache and tried again and still same results.

    I know that the permissions are set up correctly, because other modules are working correctly.